2015年10月29日 星期四

Austria Runs Out Of 'Long Guns' As Europeans Scramble For Protection Against "Islamic Invasion"


After decades of berating Americans for their Constitutionally protected right to bear arms, Europeans are finally starting to wake up. As SHTFPlan.com's Mac Slavo notes, it took over a million Islamic immigrants and violence across their union to convince them, but it appears that they finally get it.

In Austria, the scramble for self defense firearms is on, as WND.com reports, Austrians are arming themselves at record rates in an effort to defend their households against feared attacks from Muslim invaders.

Tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent months on their way to Germany and Sweden, two wealthy European countries that have laid out the welcome mat for migrants. More than a million will end up in Germany alone by the end of this year, according to estimates from the German government.

Obtaining a working firearm and ammunition in Germany, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands is practically impossible for the average citizen. Germany, for instance, requires a psychological evaluation, the purchase of liability insurance and verifiable compliance with strict firearms storage and safety rules. And self-defense is not even a valid reason to purchase a gun in these countries.

The laws in Austria, while still strict, are a bit less overbearing.

A Czech TV report confirms that long guns – shotguns and rifles – have been flying off the shelves in Austria, and Austrians who haven’t already purchased a gun may not have a chance to get one for some time. They’re all sold out.

And those arming themselves are primarily women.

“If anyone wants to buy a long gun in Austria right now, too bad for them,” the Czech newscaster says. “All of them are currently sold out.”

He cites the Austrian news outlet Trioler Tageszeitung as the source of his report.

“We cannot complain about lack of demand,” Stephen Mayer, a gun merchant, told Trioler Tageszeitung.

He claims the stock has been sold out for the last three weeks and that demand is being fueled by fears generated by social changes.

“People want to protect themselves,” Mayer said. “Nonetheless, the most common purchasers of arms are primarily Austrian women.”

They are also buying pepper sprays, which Mayer said are in big demand among those who can’t get a gun.

So-called "projectile weapons" are available in Austria under two classifications, C and D, which are rifles and shotguns. Every adult Austrian is legally able to apply for a weapons permit but must disclose to the government their reason for wanting to own a gun.
 The Czech station cited an interview with a sociologist and an Austrian journalist, both of whom said the weapons purchases were based on unfounded fears about foreign migrants.

The Viennese sociologist, identified only as Mr. Gertler, said no such fears about migrants should ever be published by any Austrian news outlet.

A journalist named Wittinger said "something is very wrong here" if Austrians are buying guns to protect themselves against migrants.

"Shotguns will not, after all, solve any immediate problems, quite the contrary," he said.
The Czech TV station then reported that Islamists are promising: "We will cut the heads off unbelieving dogs even in Europe."
"Look forward to it, it's coming soon!" the Czech newscaster said.

ISIS-trained jihadists are now returning as European citizens or they are trying to infiltrate as migrants. In one propaganda video an ISIS operative informs his comrades back home in Germany to slit the throats of unbelievers in Germany, Czech TV reports.

"Overall, the ministry of interior stated that Germany is in the cross-hairs of Islamic terrorists but that he does not have any indications of specific threats," he said.

The Czech site reflects awareness of a major event in Western history, said Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America.

"Polish King John Sobieski defeated the Muslim invaders at the gates of Vienna in 1683. Another Muslim invasion is underway and Austrians are alarmed, hence their run on gun stores," Pratt told WND. "Women are right to be concerned in view of the Muslim view of women that they are good for raping and little else."

The Czech TV report cited the Arab Spring as the root cause for the flood of Muslim migrants into Europe.

And, as a reminder, the Arab Spring came into existence with the violent overthrow of the Libyan and Egyptian governments by whom again? Why Washington D.C. of course: the same "democratic" regime which after launching the Arab Spring, subsequently caused the overthrow of the duly elected president in Ukraine and has since been trying to repeat that "success" in Syria as well.

So dear Europeans, if you are unsure who to thank for your historic refugee crisis, feel free to address your thank you letters to the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

