2015年11月12日 星期四


呢位可能是世上最大的業主, 唔曬致意佢會租平樓俾你 !


【on.cc東網專訊】 當今私募基金界之中,至有錢嗰個,大概都非佢莫屬,就係黑石集團創辦人施瓦茨曼(Steve Schwarzman),即是60歲生日Party豪請Rod Stewart(洛史釗活)唱足半粒鐘嗰位。佢有成900億港元身家,成功人辦如佢,心入面一樣有條刺,條刺大概就係「哈佛」兩個字。

施瓦茨曼最近接受訪問,又提起後生時入唔到哈佛單嘢,半世紀前嘅事。得哈佛收做Waiting(候補),畀著好多人就一定滾動都嚟唔切,但嗰位係少年施瓦茨 曼,佢唔高興到,就喺自己中學入銀仔直接打電話去問哈佛個Dean of Admissions「有無搞錯」。結果冇搞錯,佢依然只係Waiting,之後「屈就啲」去咗耶魯同布殊做同學,即是日後做咗美國總統嗰個。

古仔未完。N年後,話說施瓦茨曼超豪60大壽都擺完咗好多年,佢收到哈佛嗰位Dean of Admissions嘅信認話「我估可能真係錯咗」;至於施瓦茨曼呢,幾個月前先捐咗1.5億美元(11.7億港元)畀母校耶魯。佢當年有幾唔忿氣?唔講 你未必知,佢當年就算兜路都要兜返入哈佛,69年喺哈佛讀完個MBA。好嘞,着過哈佛件畢業袍,估大概放得低?唔見得噃。

訪問中被問到如果有另一個好似佢咁叻嘅年輕人想搞另一間黑石,佢點睇。佢答話,就算對住個哈佛畢業超醒好有前途嘅,佢都係叫人家咪亂闖,唔好亂咁走出Comfort Zone(安逸範圍),等年紀大啲知自己真正能力喺邊先再算。See!「哈佛」兩個字,陰魂不散。果然係愈得唔到,愈牽掛。


Stephen Allen Schwarzman (born February 14, 1947) is an American business magnate and financier. He is the chairman and CEO of the Blackstone Group, a global private equity and financial advisory firm he established in 1985 with former US Secretary of Commerce Pete Peterson. His personal fortune is estimated at $12.9 billion, according to Forbes. As of 2014, Forbes ranked Schwarzman at 122nd on its World's Billionaires List.


Blackstone's private equity business has been one of the largest investors in leveraged buyout transactions over the last decade, while its real estate business has actively acquired commercial real estate. Since its inception, Blackstone has completed investments in such notable companies as Hilton Worldwide, Equity Office Properties, Republic Services, AlliedBarton, United Biscuits, Freescale Semiconductor, Vivint,[5] and Travelport.[6]

