2015年12月30日 星期三

Australia Cannibalizing its own Economy


The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has applied to access to everything to hunt for money. They want access to phone calls, emails, posts, and SMS text messages. We have verified this with several sources. Like Rome, Australia is cannibalizing its own economy. They will succeed in destroying Western civilization and when the G20 tracks every penny in 2017, the 2017-2020 period will look like a cliff on a global scale.

The ATO asked for these powers back in 2012. Guess what? They are getting them. They have already begun using children to hunt their parents. This is precisely how they force people to to hoard their savings and withdraw it from banks, which become highly dangerous whenever government needs money. 

They have created wars to enable taxation. For you see, historically the king had NO RIGHT to impose taxes. He had to summon Parliament and ask for their “consent” to tax the people and the only justification was war to DEFEND the country, not to invade another, hence 100 year war. Even in the USA, income taxes are technically “voluntary” and Congress must introduce legislation to raise taxes by pretending to be the people requesting to be taxed. They cannot imprison you for NOT PAYING your taxes, the crime is failure to “file” as it is your criminal obligation to tell them you owe taxes. They cannot imprison you if you cannot pay what you do not have.

A reader forwarded this except from a professional accounting newsletter in Australia. As the reader points out, Australia is copying USA’s every move. At least our politicians are openly saying they are hunting taxes instead of pretending the phone tapping is to prevent terrorism!

Phone Tapping Powers for ATO

A parliamentary committee has recommended that the Australian Taxation Office should be able to intercept stored phone calls, emails and SMSs as part of its efforts to crack down on serious criminal behaviour and tax fraud.

The report into financial related crime which was released in September this year recommends the ATO be listed as a criminal law enforcement agency under metadata retention laws passed in 2014 and would grant the ATO powers similar to those utilised as part of the Project Wickenby investigation, the largest tax-evasion investigation undertaken in this country. The report also looked at the threat of technology-based financial crime such as money transfers and thefts and recommended ASIC improve their response time to limit internet scams.

In the meantime, the ATO plans to target up to 90,000 small businesses that are deemed to be failing to comply with their tax obligations. This follows the Tax Office’s launch of a social media campaign earlier this year which called for consumers and business owners to ‘dob in’ businesses suspected of evading tax bills.

