2015年12月6日 星期日

Switzerland Abandons Its Historic Principles


Switzerland has completely capitulated surrendering its historic safe-haven status to the entire world. Switzerland was born from a tax revolt against the Hapsburg dynasty in Austria. The tax collector made William Tell shoot an apple off his son’s head with an arrow. Switzerland began as a tax rebellion. It then remained neutral in war and it remained neutral in religions serving as a safe-haven fro those who would be religiously persecuted. All of that is now gone forever. Switzerland has surrendered its integrity and its heritage.

The Swiss Senate has passed the resolution to exchange ALL information on anyone who has any assets in Switzerland. They have surrendered their sovereignty to this worldwide effort to destroy the entire global economy because politicians can never run any government efficiently. They are incapable of keeping their hand out of the cookie jar. Power simply corrupts and thus 99% of all wars and revolutions are concerning money. Do we really need to ask when will we ever learn? The Swiss have simply lost their minds for they have abandoned their heritage and might as well have joined the euro since the obey the commands of everyone else anyway.

