2016年1月30日 星期六



REALIST NEWS -Silver Derivatives were about to blow - Silver Fix Rigged to save them

還以為白銀定價銀行在禁低銀價, 原來佢地為救白銀期貨期權爆煲, 而在出手短暫阻住了銀價爆升 !


John Miles of the Zaner Group Brokerage Firm summarized what occurred: 

It was a LMBA FIX issue. The silver fix is now called the LBMA Silver Price. The 6 banks that set the price are not allowed to lay off risk at COMEX or anywhere else so when there was a sell order inbalance this morning, the banks had to find a price level where they would buy that imbalance and that price level was much lower than the prevailing spot or futures price. So, once the LBMA Silver price was publicly announced at 6:15am today, the futures market immediately received a sell of ~ 5,000 silver futures contracts within a minute or two, thus we had a mini silver crash.

And there you have it ladies and gents.  6 bullion banks dumped dumped over 25 million oz of paper silver on the market in under 90 seconds in order to set the London Silver Price 84 cents below the current silver spot. 

