2016年1月23日 星期六


跟隨世界金融大崩潰先跌後大升 ?


AGXIIK says:
My thoughts are that we are at the start of a hard down cycle. The key is in the ignition, but not turned. We are seeing those cracks all over the banking, financial and economic landscape but we are not at the Lehman Moment.  We saw half a dozen major banks and brokerages fail in the 12 months before Lehman blew out the financial world.   DBank just announced it lost $5 billion.  JPM Bof A,  WFB and others are sitting on $25-50 billion in exploding oil patch loans.

Efforts are being made on many levels to patch holes and shore up the banking and financial infrastructure with FIAT  QE and lies

If this is the start of a really bad cycle, it has not fully hit. We’ve not seen the multiple failures of huge trading platforms like Glencore and FMI.  We’ve not seen the failure of a few TBTF banks here and/or in Europe or China.  Outside of PR defaulting, Italian banks hurting with $200 billion in bad loans, insufficient bail in capital readily at hand, the system is struggling but has not fully broken.

Oil bounced up along with the Bourses, probably dead cat bounces only.

As for PMs, if the system crashes, the price of PMs is more likely to drop, like silver did from $17 to $8.  That was the government forcing down price to conceal the travesty of the banks and markets, the liquidation of assets to meet margin calls and dumping any asset in a mad flight to something else.

Only after the hard bloodletting did PMs ramp up to $49 for silver. That took about 3 years   Unless we see a very hard storage where nothing is available, the PMs will suffer along with the rest of the markets.    It would not surprise me at all to see $10-12 silver sometime this year. Even a break through $10 would not surprise me

I am planning for that purchase window but am a buyer now when cash is available.

