2016年1月29日 星期五

HSBC Halts Mortgage Options To Chinese Nationals Buying U.S. Real Estate

睇來美加樓市要跌啦 !


Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Two days ago, I published a post explaining how the super high end real estate bubble had popped, and how signs of this reality have emerged across America.

Here’s an excerpt from that post, The Luxury Housing Bubble Pops – Overseas Investors Struggle to Sell Overpriced Mansions:

The six-bedroom mansion in the shadow of Southern California’s Sierra Madre Mountains has lime trees and a swimming pool, tennis courts and a sauna — the kind of place that would have sold quickly just a year ago, according to real estate agent Kanney Zhang.

Not now.

Zhang is shopping it for a discounted $3.68 million, but nobody’s biting. Her clients, a couple from China, are getting anxious. They’re the kind of well-heeled international investors who fueled a four-year luxury real estate boom that helped pull America out of its worst housing slump since the 1930s. Now the couple is reeling from the selloff in the Chinese stock market and looking to raise cash to shore up finances.

In the Los Angeles suburb of Arcadia, where Zhang is struggling to sell the six-bedroom home, dozens of aging ranch houses were demolished to make way for 38 mansions built with Chinese buyers in mind. They have manicured lawns and wok kitchens and are priced as high as $12 million. Many of them sit empty because the prices are out of the range of most domestic buyers, said Re/Max broker Rudy Kusuma, who blames a crackdown by the Chinese on large sums leaving the country.

Well, I have some more bad news for mansion-flipping Chinese nationals.

From Reuters:

Europe’s biggest lender HSBC will no longer provide mortgages to some Chinese nationals who buy real estate in the United States, a policy change that comes as Beijing is battling to stem a swelling crowd of citizens trying to get money out of China.

An HSBC spokesman in New York told Reuters on Wednesday that the new policy went into effect last week, roughly a month after China suspended Standard Chartered and DBS Group Holdings Ltd from conducting some foreign exchange business and as authorities try to limit capital outflows.

Realtors of luxury property in cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Vancouver, said more than 80 percent of wealthy Chinese buyers have ties to China.

Luxury homes news website Mansion Global, which first reported the HSBC policy change, said it would affect Chinese nationals holding temporary visitor ‘B’ visas if the majority of their income and assets are maintained in China.

HSBC’s pivot away from lending to some Chinese nationals abroad comes as other international banks clamor to lend more to wealthy Chinese.

The Royal Bank of Canada scrapped its C$1.25 million cap on mortgages to borrowers with no local credit history last year in a bid to tap into surging demand for financing from wealthy immigrant buyers.

8 則留言:

  1. 大陸重新實施外匯管制, 有大陸同事想係香港買樓, 都運唔到錢落來......


  2. Are you sure ?
    香港樓愈起愈多, 睇來2017年才是買樓好時機 !

  3. 佢之前成日食完LUNCH就去銀行, 但呢排唔洗因為無得匯錢過來了.


  4. Are you sure ? 是指 ==> 所以香港樓來緊都似平穩多.

  5. 深圳市中心就是無曬盤, 樓價已翻一番 !

  6. 純本人亂估, 不喜勿插.

    農曆年後會例升小小, 主要係大家慣左過左年先搬.
    而美國我諗年中前都唔會加息, 所以今年樓價只會小量波幅.

    但其實我都想我自己估錯, 因為我幾手準備, 如果大升, 我會賣樓離開柏港休息下.

    如果大跌, 就係換大屋的時機. 機會係俾有準備的人 :)

  7. 唔好讚壞,都係跟妳學野, 凡事兩手準備 :)
