2016年1月22日 星期五

The Economic End Game

www.bibliotecapleyades.net 全文

by Brandon Smith
12 November 2014

Throughout history, in most cases of economic collapse the societies in question believed they were financially invincible just before their disastrous fall.

Rarely does anyone see the edge of the cliff or even the bottom of the abyss before it has swallowed a nation whole. This lack of foresight, however, is not entirely the fault of the public.

It is, rather, a consequence caused by the manipulation of the fundamental information available to the public by governments and social gatekeepers.

In the years leading up to the Great Depression, numerous mainstream "experts" and politicians were quick to discount the idea of economic collapse, and most people were more than ready to believe them. Equities markets were, of course, the primary tool used to falsely elicit popular optimism.

When markets rose, even in spite of other very negative fiscal indicators, the masses were satisfied.

In this way, stock markets have become a kind of dopamine switch financial elites can push at any given time to juice the citizenry and distract them from the greater perils of their economic future. During every upswing of stocks, the elites argued that the "corner had been turned," when in reality the crisis had just begun.

Nothing has changed since the crash of 1929


This would mean total control by the IMF over member nations as they beg and plead for more capital under the global currency umbrella. If this sounds familiar, it is because I have been warning about the IMF takeover of the global monetary system for at least six years.

The Economist actually admits that the Phoenix system would start out in the format of the Special Drawing Rights basket currency:
The phoenix would probably start as a cocktail of national currencies, just as the Special Drawing Right is today. In time, though, its value against national currencies would cease to matter, because people would choose it for its convenience and the stability of its purchasing power…
The plan is to introduce a basket currency system as an alternative to the dollar as world reserve, then slowly but surely phase out all sovereign currencies until the basket becomes a currency itself - the ONLY currency. 


China is NOT anti-establishment or anti-new world order, nor is Russia.

Eastern opposition to the NWO is a lie. Period.
In fact, the BRICS have argued only for greater inclusion in the IMF system and have no intention of developing a legitimate alternative to "Western" globalization. If you do not understand that the BRICS are part of the NWO, not opposed to it, then you do not understand a thing.

With the BRICS on board with the plan for global currency, what is likely to happen over the course of the next few years if the schedule for an economic reset is on track for 2018?

As I outlined in my last article, the U.S. in particular has been prepped like a sacrificial lamb, with the populace for the most part oblivious to the extent of the threat.

Middle-class wealth is being driven into bonds and will be driven more so by market declines, which will progress over the next few months. This "herding" of capital into bonds is only in preparation for the death of the dollar's world reserve status, thus erasing what little savings were left among the common citizenry.

The ceremony initiating our nation's fiscal destruction will likely take place in the near term. To achieve global centralization by 2018, the elites would need a serious crisis soon in order to provide the proper collective panic required to generate public consent for global economic governance in four years' time.

The first, most important factor to consider is the fake conflict between the IMF and the U.S. Congress over the approval of IMF policy changes agreed upon in 2010. The U.S. has yet to officially sign off on the IMF policy measures that would bring more "inclusiveness" for developing nations like Russia and China, and this has led the IMF to assert that a move forward without the U.S. is necessary. 

The next IMF meeting on SDR inclusion is not set, but will probably take place in early 2015.

It is expected that China and the Yuan will be officially added to the SDR basket. Gold should also be watched carefully. There is a reason why the BRICS have been accumulating thousands of tons of the precious metal.
The IMF introduction of gold into the SDR basket is inevitable, and a new Bretton Woods style-agreement has already been called for by a number of elites. The IMF has been openly discussing the ascension of the SDR to replace the dollar as the world reserve currency since at least 2011.

With developing nations already asking for help from the IMF due to volatility caused by the FED taper and the BRICS well into their own programs to remove the dollar as the world reserve, the only question left is:
How will the banks be able to accomplish the currency reset without taking blame for the resulting catastrophe that will no doubt bury the majority of middle-class and poor?
There is no way around it.

The elites need a geopolitical disaster so overwhelming that all economic changes taking place in the background go completely unnoticed. They also need to set themselves up as the prognosticators and rescuing heroes in the midst of the coming chaos, as outlined in my last article.

I do not know what that disaster will specifically look like, because there are too many possibilities to consider. 

Think about this honestly, 10 years ago,
  • Would you or your friends and family have ever thought that the U.S. would be at war in Syria with a terrorist organization we created ourselves out of thin air?
  • That we would be immersed in renewed tensions and the possibility of economic warfare with Russia?
  • That our presidency would have attempted and failed the initiation of socialized healthcare?
  • That our military would be tapped as a possible response force for domestic unrest?
  • That an outbreak of Ebola would be suggested as a trigger for medical martial law?
  • How many conspiracies have been exposed in just the past few years?
  • How many government crimes have hit the headlines and then 'disappeared'?
Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS targeting of activists, government-aided illegal immigration, etc. - a nonstop parade of corruption that few would have thought possible a decade ago.

We are being boiled slowly, economically as well as politically. We are being conditioned to accept imminent crisis as a way of daily life, to become used to it and to blame these crises on hundreds of various scapegoats, but never the international banks.

And while the Titanic sinks, the band plays on, as mainstream pundits and dupes accuse independent analysts of "crying wolf."

The economic endgame is not about collapse alone. Collapse is nothing more than a process that ends abruptly only when public faith is finally lost. The endgame is about acceptance - the acceptance by the masses of a "new normal" in which financial and political terror become the foundation of daily life.

The endgame is, first and foremost, about the psyche of mankind and its mutation into something unrecognizable. This kind of pervasive conditioning requires immeasurable fear.

Our economic philosophy of sovereign trade and identity cannot be erased without it. The elites have already given us their timeline. The crash of 2008 was only the beginning of the program, and 2014-2015 looks to be the next stage.

I have written hundreds of articles on how to prepare and defuse the dangers of the impending reset, but the most important issue of all is that people understand the threat is at their doorstep. It's not a few years off or a decade away; it's here now.

We are right in the middle of collapse, even if many cannot see it. Watch global developments carefully, as market volatility increases and international conflicts escalate.

Time is up...

