2016年2月28日 星期日

Dow Outlook – Month End February 2016


Technically, the Dow Jones Industrials was almost set up to make a “Channel Move” between two channels. But they interestingly over-lapped instead with no gap between. This is one reason the SP500 could break last years low but not the Dow. We made a new high for the month on Friday closing at 16639.97. We elected a minor Monthly Bullish Reversal in the Dow last month at 16175. Here the low remains the week of January 20th. We really need a monthly closing above 17800 to signal a breakout to the upside is likely. We have a Directional Change in March and the target for a turning point comes in April and then June.

Keep in mind that is the Euro starts to give way, more and more capital will flee Europe into the USA. The smart money will buy the equity rather than government bonds.

A month-end closing ABOVE 16934 will be bullish. A closing beneath this level is will still bearish near-term.

