大鱷收夠貨啦 ? 出來叫沽股買金 !
www.zerohedge.comExtending its gains from yesterday, gold has broken back above $1255 - near 13 month highs - breaking out of its one-month triangle, following weak data this morning (ISM/PMI/Factory Orders) and JPMorgan's "Buy Gold" warning.
The barbarous relic is in high demand this morning...
Breaking out of the one-month triangle...
Pushing near 13-month intraday highs.
JPMorgan Goes Underweight Stocks "For The First Time This Cycle", Says To Buy Gold
Our portfolio is now 5% UW Equities, the first UW this cycle. We retain a 10% OW of Credit, moving Bonds to Neutral, and Cash to OW. Commodities stay UW, but we move it to a small -1%, given recent momentum and volatility. Within Equities, be OW defensive sectors. Given that our risk focus is now switching from Chinese debt to US corporate caution, we go OW EM equities. In Credit, OW US HG, US banks, and sterling HG against EUR and EM. In Commodities, be short gas oil and base metals but OW gold.
Equities, credit and commodities have all rallied in the last three weeks, as some of the immediate threats to the world economy have faded from attention, possibly only because the bad earnings season has wound up. But, to us, the fundamentals of growth, earnings and recession risk have not improved, and if anything have worsened. We remain wary of the near-empty ammo box of policy makers.
Our 12-month-out US recession odds have risen to 1/3, while equity-implied odds have instead fallen to near 1/5. But even with no recession this year or next, we see US earnings rising only slowly by low single digits and see little to boost multiples. The eventual recession should bring US stocks down some 30%, creating a strong downward risk skew to returns over the next few years.
Yeah !
回覆刪除Go go go :)
回覆刪除Lisa,四月是否有coin fair? 長城參展嗎?
四月展長城唔參於, 所以我都唔會去 !
回覆刪除有抽但沒有消息 !
售價:3740 元
抽唔中 !
回覆刪除依家長城賣一套5枚=30g+15g+8g+3g+1g, 賣價按照中銀俾價, 唔記得問佢地幾時現有散賣 !
回覆刪除中銀無貨 !
回覆刪除唔知8月金價去到乜位 @_@
回覆刪除舊年8月錢展買的小金貓算買得好位, 金價在1130美元 !
難得的好機會 XDDD !
回覆刪除係呀, 我只睇上面個頁, 唔覺意下面還有幾頁 :)