2016年4月27日 星期三

Commodities Futures Expert Warns Commercial Signal Failure May Be In Progress

又要推低銀價俾大家買平貨 ?

不過作者說, 行動可以失敗 !


Submitted by JB Slear, Fort Wealth:

We have a New World Record with Silver’s Open Interest being above 205,000 contracts… Go Cartel, you can do it !!…

Drive that price lower, that will scare all of us buyers … yup, it’s worked before hasn’t it??

LOLOL … for those of you that do not or have not been in a futures contract that had a Commercial Signal Failure in it, you missed out on the Corn, Wheat, and Soy Beans markets of the 1990’s, when very bad weather struck the bread basket.

This Silver market has all the proper elements that dictate the commercials being on the wrong side of reality, especially after Deutsche Bank’s admittance to the manipulations ….

I’ve been on a few Commercial Signal Failures in the past, plan on being on another one soon enough … this may be happening right now, it depends on what unfolds in the next few days, so stay tooned!

JB Slear
Fort Wealth Trading Co LLC.

5 則留言:

  1. 呢幾星期啲銀價真喺令我都唔知入唔多啲好...

  2. 如果美國唔加息, 金銀價可以大升, 而美元跌 !
    所以要自已衝量, 是否手上還有太多的港元....., 千萬唔好用救命錢去博 !

  3. 之前我買金買過籠,好彩識放番袋番啲cash; 不過而家又想再入貨, 覺得自己好似買上左癮... :D
