2016年4月22日 星期五

Sell it All! 20 Reasons to Sell Your Entire Stash of Physical Silver

作者只是在說, 銀價沒到高位唔賣, 但到頂一定會賣 !


Submitted by Bix Weir:

Make no mistake…I AM A RABID SILVER BUG!

I have written countless articles on why silver is the #1 best investment in THE HISTORY OF INVESTING. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that even comes close to the supply/demand dynamics, investment fundamentals, investor participation ratios, fraud/manipulation realities, monetary importance or even national security issues and all of these support a hyperbolic move to the upside for the price of physical Silver in the very near future. The truth of the matter is…


Having said that it doesn’t mean that there will NEVER be an appropriate time to sell your physical silver. The cardinal rule of smart investing is not to get too emotionally attached to your investments and to rationally think through your investment reasoning. After you have outlined your reasons for investing you should keep track of whether or not those reasons are STILL VALID.

So in that spirit I have listed the 20 issues I monitor related to my original reasons to invest in physical Silver. After a good majority of these expectations are fulfilled I will seriously consider selling my entire stake in physical Silver.

Here’s the list in order of current importance:

1) The removal of the gigantic concentrated short position on the COMEX Silver market as reported in the CFTC Commitment of Traders and Bank Participation Reports.
2) The announcement of charges filed by both the CFTC and the FBI against these banks for Silver market manipulation.
3) The shut down of the iShares Silver ETF (SLV) and the subsequent attempt by SLV investors to transfer into physical silver in their own possession.
4) The implementation of COMEX REALISTIC Position Limits in Silver of no more than 1,500 contracts and the enforcement of the Disruptive Trading Practices law.
5) The winding down of the outrageous and manipulative Silver derivative positions held by JP Morgan and Citibank as reported by the US Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
6) The mass redemption of paper Silver currently held in Pooled Silver Accounts and Silver Certificate Programs into physical silver held in the possession of the owner.
7) The Silver to Gold Price Ratio reflects the true physical relationship between above ground gold and above ground silver that is available for sale on a free and open market.
8) The realization by industrial users of silver that the supply of physical silver is rapidly depleting and with the future of producing their products in jeopardy they begin stockpiling physical silver.
9) The reversal of Silver’s ever increasing use in industrial applications due to either high prices or the discovery of a viable substitute with similar physical properties and attributes.
10) The realization by the remaining 99.9% of the investing public that does not currently own any physical that Silver is extremely undervalued and should be held by all investors interested in portfolio safety and value appreciation.
11) Acknowledgment by the Bullion Banks and US Government that they have been involved in the price suppression of Silver for over 50 years in order to support and extend the global confidence in un-backed fiat US Dollar.
12) All Silver statistical reporting companies have completely revised their historical numbers to reflect the true supply/demand realities of the past and admit to the massive annual physical silver deficit going forward.
13) The USGS alerts the world to the reality that at the REAL current Silver consumption rates there is less than 10 years of known below ground Silver reserves remaining in the world.
14) The realization by investors that significant increases in the price of Silver would not curtail industrial demand as silver is mostly used in very small amounts in each product produced.
15) The mainstream media highlights that the investment drivers for Silver far out weight the investment drivers for Gold.
16) The US Mint starts to produce US Silver Eagle coins “in quantities sufficient to meet demand” and no longer illegally rations their dwindling supply.
17) When investors stop saying that silver is “too hard to store” and start worrying that silver is “too valuable to leave in a bank’s safe deposit box”.
18) When Central Bankers around the world stop printing money every time there is a “bump in the road” on their never ending quest to foster perpetual growth and end the extraordinary transfer of wealth from “the many” to “the few”.
19) The US Government and the Citizens of the United States recognize and acknowledge that Article I, Sec. 10 of the US Constitution specifies that only gold and silver coin can be legally used as money and the Coinage Act of 1792 defined the US Dollar as “three hundred and seventy-one grains and four sixteenth parts of a grain of pure, or four hundred and sixteen grains of standard silver.”
and finally…
20) The price of silver has risen so high that it has fulfilled all my hopes and aspirations as an investor and I can now sit back and enjoy those other pleasures of life that I had put off in pursuit of FREEING THE SILVER MARKET FROM THE CLUTCHES OF MANIPULATION!

So there it is. That’s the list of events that must take place for the fulfillment of my Silver investing motivations. MAKE NO MISTAKE: The price impact to silver when each one of these events takes place will be STUNNING…and sooner or later they will ALL take place!

Once these are fully addressed and reflected in the real “Fair Market Value” of Silver…I will SELL ALL MY SILVER in search of the NEXT BEST THING.


*This article was originally titled “20 Reasons to SELL Your Physical Silver but I had such an BACKLASH from those who only read the title I decided to change it! I explain this strange phenomenon in this radio interview with SGTbull…

May the Road you choose be the Right Road.

Bix Weir

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