2016年5月4日 星期三

Anonymous attack Greek central bank, warns others

黑駭來緊30日會攻摯全世界的央行網頁, 所以想提款的人, 請早 !


ATHENS (Reuters) - Greece's central bank became the target of a cyber attack by activist hacking group Anonymous on Tuesday which disrupted service of its web site, a Bank of Greece official said on Wednesday.

"The attack lasted for a few minutes and was successfully tackled by the bank's security systems. The only thing that was affected by the denial-of-service attack was our web site," the official said, declining to be named.

Anonymous originated in 2003, adopting the Guy Fawkes mask as their symbol for online hacking. The mask is a stylized portrayal of an oversized smile, red cheeks and a wide moustache upturned at both ends.

"Olympus will fall. A few days ago we declared the revival of operation Icarus. Today we have continuously taken down the website of the Bank of Greece," the group says in a video on You Tube.

"This marks the start of a 30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world."

(Reporting by George Georgiopoulos; Editing by Angus MacSwan)


【on.cc東網專訊】 黑客組織「無名氏」(Anonymous)周二攻擊希臘中央銀行,它更揚言今次攻擊只是開始,未來一個月將攻擊世界其他央行網站。

希臘中央銀行官員指出,網站受「阻斷服務攻擊」(Denial of Service Attack,DoS)而暫停運作約數分鐘,其後已經收復,事件中沒有文件被盜走或銷毀。「無名氏」在YouTube發短片,表示他們正計劃向全球各央行網站施襲,而這次針對希臘央行的攻擊,標誌為期30天、針對全球央行網站的行動開始。

3 則留言:

  1. Anonymus一路以嚟俾我感覺係路見不平拔刀相助,唔知今次搞邊科

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUH_OQkxiqc
