2016年6月25日 星期六

Banks Had Largest Gold Short Positions In History Heading Into Brexit As “Leave” Vote Sent Gold Skyrocketing

在英國公投沒出結果之前, 大戶手持歷來最多的黃金淡倉, 而在結果一出之後俾人殺到片甲不留, 大快人心 ! 從金價最高去過1360之後回順, 可以睇到大屠殺的威力 !


For anyone who would like some revenge that suffered in the gold market, this is for you.

If KWN readers around the world would like to have a good laugh at the end of a wild trading week, it turns out that commercials in the gold market had their largest short position in history going into the Brexit “Leave” vote that sent gold skyrocketing (see stunning 23-year chart below).

The short squeeze in gold couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of crooks (the bullion banks).

