2016年8月23日 星期二

German Government Urges Citizens To Stockpile Food, Water "In Case Of Attack Or Catastrophe"


For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday.

Following Angela Merkel's proclamation that Islamic terrorism is not a function of the massive influx of muslim immigrants into Germany thanks to he immigration policy, we could not help but be a little surprised that, as TagesSchau reports, the federal government, according to a newspaper report wants to encourage the population to begin stockpiling food and water again, so that they temporarily can take care of themself in the case of a disaster or an armed attack. As Reuters details,

Germany is currently on high alert after two Islamist attacks and a shooting rampage by a mentally unstable teenager last month. Berlin announced measures earlier this month to spend considerably more on its police and security forces and to create a special unit to counter cyber crime and terrorism.

"The population will be obliged to hold an individual supply of food for ten days," the newspaper quoted the government's "Concept for Civil Defence" - which has been prepared by the Interior Ministry - as saying.

The paper said a parliamentary committee had originally commissioned the civil defense strategy in 2012.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said the plan would be discussed by the cabinet on Wednesday and presented by the minister that afternoon. He declined to give any details on the content.

People will be required to stockpile enough drinking water to last for five days, according to the plan, the paper said.

...the precautionary measures demand that people "prepare appropriately for a development that could threaten our existence and cannot be categorically ruled out in the future," the paper cited the report as saying.

A further priority should be more support of the armed forces by civilians, it added.

Germany's Defence Minister said earlier this month the country lay in the "crosshairs of terrorism" and pressed for plans for the military to train more closely with police in preparing for potential large-scale militant attacks.

So apart from stockpiling enough food and water for 10 days; supporting the military; protecting yourself from "a threat to our existence," everything is awesome and Merkel's immigration policy has helped?

We ask - what do they know? Or is this simply more scare-mongering since "A nation in fear is even better influenced and controlled."


【on.cc東網專訊】 德國媒體周二引述內政部文件指,政府擔心一旦發生災難,全國緊急服務可能應付不暇,建議民眾儲存可供10天使用的食物及水,這亦是自冷戰時期以來,德國政府首次呼籲民眾儲水儲糧。



