2016年9月25日 星期日

Harvey Organ Issues COMEX Bank Run Alert: “Gold is Leaving By the Buckets”


Ladies and Gentlemen:  We are now having our old fashioned run on the bank:
Gold is leaving the COMEX by the buckets….

Let us head over to the comex:

The total gold comex open interest ROSE BY AN HUGE 10,066 CONTRACTS to an OI level of 576,746 as the price of gold ROSE by $13.50 with YESTERDAY’S trading. We are now in the NON active month of SEPTEMBER/

The contract month of Sept saw it’s OI FELL by 46 contract DOWN to 195. We had 66 notices filed yesterday so we gained 20 gold contracts or an additional 2000 gold ounces  will stand for delivery. SOMEBODY AGAIN WAS IN GREAT NEED OF PHYSICAL GOLD. The next delivery month is October and here the OI lost 1659 contracts DOWN to 25,590. The next contract month of December showed an increase of 11,225 contracts up to 446,479. The estimated volume today at the comex: 131,769 which is WEAK.  Confirmed volume on yesterday: 181,740 which is fair.

Today we had  48 notices filed for  4800 oz of gold.
And now for the wild silver comex results.  Total silver OI ROSE BY A HUGE 4455 contracts from 198,391 UP TO 202,846 with the RISE in price of silver to the tune of 33 cents  yesterday.  We are moving NOW CLOSER TO the all time record high for silver open interest set on Wednesday August 3:  (224,540).  We are now into the next active month of September and here the OI fell by 21 contracts down to 562. We had 27 notices filed upon yesterday so we GAINED 6 contracts or 30,000 additional oz will stand  for delivery in this active month of September. The next non active delivery movement of October lost 4 CONTRACTS TO 433 contracts.  The next big delivery month is December and here it ROSE by 4338 contracts UP to 177,271. The volume on the comex today (just comex) came in at 46,811 which is very good.  The confirmed volume yesterday (comex and globex) was huge at 76,478 . Silver is not in backwardation.  London is in backwardation for several months.
today we had 50 notices filed for silver: 135,000 oz

If anybody is holding any gold at the comex, you must be out of your mind!!!
since comex gold storage is unallocated , rest assured any gold stored at the comex will be compromised!
I also urge all of you do not place any option trades at the comex as these gangsters will gun you down.
If you are taking delivery of gold/silver please remove it from comex banks and place it in private vaults
Today, 0 notices were issued from JPMorgan dealer account and 0 notices were issued form their client or customer account. The total of all issuance by all participants equates to 48 contract  of which 0 notices were stopped (received) by jPMorgan dealer and 0 notice(s) was (were) stopped (received) by jPMorgan customer account.
To calculate the initial total number of gold ounces standing for the SEPT contract month, we take the total number of notices filed so far for the month (2613) x 100 oz or 261,300 oz, to which we add the difference between the open interest for the front month of SEPT (195 contracts) minus the number of notices served upon today (48) x 100 oz per contract equals 276,000 oz, the number of ounces standing in this  NON active month of September.
Thus the INITIAL standings for gold for the SEPT contract month:
No of notices served so far (2613) x 100 oz  or ounces + {OI for the front month (195) minus the number of  notices served upon today (48) x 100 oz which equals 276,000 oz standing in this non  active delivery month of SEPT  (8.5847 tonnes).
We gained an additional 2000 oz that will stand.  We have surpassed  our original standings on first day notice. (ON FIRST DAY NOTICE 7.5561 TONNES STOOD FOR DELIVERY) as well as surpassing the 8 tonne mark.  This is without a doubt a record level of gold ounces standing for September.
 Total dealer inventor 2,165,480.34 or 67.355 tonnes
Total gold inventory (dealer and customer) =10,687,511.585 or 332.42 tonnes

Several months ago the comex had 303 tonnes of total gold. Today the total inventory rests at 332.42 tonnes for a  gain of 30  tonnes over that period. However since August 8 we have lost 21 tonnes leaving the comex.
Ladies and Gentlemen:  the comex is beginning to lose some of its gold as no doubt the Shanghai fix is having its effect.
The gold comex is an absolute fraud.  The use of kilobars and exact weights makes the data totally absurd and fraudulent! To me, the only thing that makes sense is the fact that “kilobars: are entries of hypothecated gold sent to other jurisdictions so that they will not be short with their underwritten derivatives in that jurisdiction.  This would be similar to the rehypothecated gold used by Jon Corzine.
Ladies and Gentlemen:  We are now having our old fashioned run on the bank: the comex as gold is leaving by the buckets.

