2016年10月22日 星期六

ALERT: Major Update In The Gold, Silver And U.S. Dollar Markets

小心美元不會長升的 !


There have been some major changes in commercial trading in gold, silver and the U.S. dollar.

The following charts are from Jason Goepfert at SentimenTrader.

King World News note:  Below you can see the commercial hedgers position in the silver market market.  Note that commercial hedgers been dramatically reducing their short positions recently in the silver market (see 10-year chart below).

The commercial shorts still remain at a level that raises concern.  However, that does not mean that the price of silver cannot head significantly higher in the short-term.

The next chart takes a look at gold…

King World News note:  Below you can see the commercial hedgers position in the gold market.  Note that commercial hedgers have continued to dramatically reduce their short positions on the recent takedown in the price of gold (see 10-year chart below).

King World News note:  Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and look at the big picture in the gold market (see fascinating 23-year chart below).

King World News note:  Below you can see the commercial hedgers position in the U.S. Dollar.  Note that commercial hedgers have continued to add aggressively to their short positions on the recent rally in the dollar (see 10-year chart below).

The bottom line is that the commercials have been massively covering their short positions during the orchestrated takedown in the gold and silver markets and they have been increasing their short positions in the U.S. Dollar.  This means there could still be a lot of room to the upside in the gold and silver markets and potential downside in the dollar, but the commercials may still attempt to cover more of their gold and silver shorts in the near-term.   

