2016年10月29日 星期六

Jim Rickards: Trump "Will Probably Win" and Gold "May Rise $100" Overnight

大家要坐定定睇戲啦 !


by GoldCore

The US election is just two weeks away on November 8th, and one of Hillary Clinton's most vocal critics on the business side is finance commentator and monetary expert Jim Rickards. Jim is in Sydney this week, armed with his latest book, hot off the press entitled 'The Road to Ruin - The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis' and gave an interesting television interview to 'The Business' on ABC Australia.

Rickards says that Trump "will probably win" and, if he, does stock markets will crash 10% and gold will rise $100 over night.

The markets and polls believe Clinton will win and that is priced into markets in the same way that a 'Bremain' was priced into markets prior to the 'Brexit' vote.

“If Hillary wins nothing happens, if Trump wins you will have an earthquake.” 

Should Trump win, which looking at the polls is not an impossibility, gold would likely surge $100 per ounce overnight, says Rickards.

What Hillary did was appalling and there will be ‘another reckoning on November 8th’ which the market has failed to price in, creating a good scenario for gold. He says you don’t have to agree that Trump will win, but agree that that in reality he could win.

For Rickards, this is an excellent opportunity for investors, particularly those who have an allocation to physical gold which he believes is set to rise in the coming months and years.

Jim is editor of Strategic Intelligence for Agora Financial as well as the founder of the James Rickards Project: an inquiry into complex dynamics of geopolitics and capital. He is also the author of New York Times bestsellers The New Case for Gold, Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis and The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Financial System.

2 則留言:

  1. 近日又流出很多對希拉莉不利消息


  2. 所以沒到最後都唔知鹿死誰手 ?
