2016年12月11日 星期日

Baltimore Firm Has Scary Record of Predicting World Events…

不信都要預防 !


#7…Their Next Shocking Prediction

So if this one group has been right so many times… and if they now rival the biggest mainstream media companies in the world…

Why have you never heard of them?

It’s because they believe in operating privately, and reserve their high level work for a vast underground network of 2.4 million private subscribers.

Recently, the reclusive head of this group—a millionaire economist, author, and father of six—released a shocking new prediction… and it’s a revelation so urgent he has made his warning public for all Americans rather than reserving it for private subscribers…

Over the coming months, his evidence suggests we are about to see a severe disruption in how the US economy operates…

It could force several major American companies—whose products you use every single day—into bankruptcy…

It will cause break downs in the complex supply chains that put food in your grocery story and gas in your gas station…

And precipitate widespread shortages of many goods… including cash dollars (which he expects will be very difficult to find).

Footage from his warning—which has not yet been released by any major media outlet—is now available online.

…It will change how you look at our economy, our country, and the very dollars you think you have in your bank account.

玩緊借貸投資的人一定要睇呢段影片 !


一個支撑在債務上的經濟不可以永遠運作, 到大多數人不再信債券時,  呢個紙城堡就會崩潰 ! 由空氣吹出來的財富, 可以一夜之間變回空氣 !

記得宋鴻兵都在書上寫過, 2008年時美國財務差些崩潰, 而如果發生, 會拖累全世界經濟 !

5 則留言:

  1. At beginning,

    And I’m not about to ask you to sign up for some stock trading service. I’m not going to try to sell you some survival kit. Or ask you for a political donation… or even get you to sign a petition.

    But finally it is:

    And a 12-month subscription to my ongoing investigation into America and the world, The Bill Bonner Letter…
    PLUS! Immediate access to every back issue and topic I’ve covered…
    All for $49, with a 60-day, two-month, full-refund guarantee.

  2. 當然唔會俾錢登記啦 XD !

    不過不可不防, 最好少買股票/債券 !

  3. 還要多儲日用品和食糧 !

  4. ww3 開始了 減少不必要消費
