2016年11月4日 星期五

The Biggest Opportunity Today Isn't In Stocks or Bonds...

在投資中現金流當然是 a must, 就是租金收入、股息或債息, 但也要睇市場走勢的情況 !

現在樓價在高位, 買樓收租是驚樓價見頂下跌, 賺租蝕價 ! 買股票收息又驚賺息蝕股價 !

買債收債息, 你本來以為好安全, 最多持有到到期日就可以收回本, 所以無得輸, 除非發行個機構破產 ! 

但見到好多人突然有新玩法, 就是抵押自已資產俾某些金融機構後用借貸買債券, 又把債券押上用新借出來的錢買 Reits 收息, 以為是滾雪球, 但小心太陽出來了 !

有無諗過如果個借貸機構出事會點呢 ? 在香港有政府監管, 但用外國借貸機構是無監管的 ! 在投資市場三思也是 a must too !!

在呢個動盪市場, 不如用手上有的閒資, 安安分分買實金實銀, 可以減少好多風險 ! 自己慢慢一粒粒儲起來, 將來或有好大的驚喜 !

2008年時的次按風爆, 就是美國人只要有樓, 在樓價每一次升值都可以套錢出來消費, 勁爽, 最後好多人要輸, 下場勁慘 !


Do you own Gold yet?

Quietly and with little fanfare, Gold has begun to breakout in every major currency.

Below is a chart showing Gold priced in $USD, Yen, and Euros. The only currency in which there hasn’t been a major breakout is Yen. But that move is coming shortly.

Several reasons.

Europe’s banking Crisis isn’t over by any means. Large players in the Spanish, Swiss and even German Banking industries have broken down to new lows.

Beyond this, globally over $10 trillion bonds are posting negative yields.

Compared to these bonds, Gold, which yields nothing is highly attractive. Even with yields having risen globally since July, Gold remains attractive as a storehouse of capital comparatively speaking.

And finally, the Fed has practically broadcast that it’s going to let inflation run world.

Five of the six metrics the Fed uses to measure inflation have ALL exceeded the Fed's targets.

But the Fed STILL REFUSES TO RAISE INTEREST RATES. Not only that but FOUR Fed Officials have indicated the Fed is willing to stomach greater inflation.

Gold is going to go to the moon.

During the last Gold bull market in the 1970s, Gold rose 550% during its first leg up from 1970 to 1974. It then corrected 50% before beginning its next leg up. However, it was the SECOND move higher than was the BIG one= a 900% increase in value.

Using this as a proxy, I expect Gold to move to at least $5,000 per ounce if not $10,000 per ounce during its next multi-year bull market.

3 則留言:

  1. Lisa,這是一個語重深長,風險考慮的善意提醒,多謝分享 :)

  2. 回R,
    我一路在提醒D人, 不過佢地當我是唔抵得佢地賺錢, 見唔到風險 :(

  3. 其實市場是等價交易, 俾你咁低借貸息, 一定有野的, 小心草叢下的毒蛇 !
