2017年4月22日 星期六

DANGER: Commercial Silver Shorts Just Hit Another New All-Time Record! Plus A Gold Update


On the heels of gold and silver continuing to consolidate gains, the war in the gold and silver markets continues as the commercial shorts in the silver market just hit a new all-time record!

WARNING: Commercial Silver Shorts Hit All-Time Record (10-year chart)

Below is a look at a longer-term 23-year chart of commercial shorts in the silver market.

DANGER: 23-Year Commercial Silver Chart Shows Record Short Positions

Commercial’s Short Gold But Not Nearly As Aggressive As Silver

Commercial signal failures are extremely rare. This means it is quite possible that we could see major weakness appear in the silver market, until the commercial positions show a significant change.

For those who are keeping score, below is a look at the commercials short positions in the gold market. Commercials have been adding to their gold short positions, but not nearly as aggressively as they have been In the silver market (see chart below).

