2017年6月29日 星期四

ALERT: Look At The Unbelievable Commercial Trading Positions In These Major Markets!

市場鋪處美元來緊會升 !


As we continue to await the next meltdown in global markets, look at the unbelievable commercial trading positions in these major markets!

There has been massive movement by commercial traders in a number of major markets…

Below is a chart of the 10-Year U.S. Treasuries, which essentially determine interest rates on mortgages in the United States (see chart below).

Commercial Traders Move From All-Time Record Long To Very Short 10-Year US Treasuries

Below is a long-term chart of commercial positioning in the 10-Year Treasury market.

Long-Term Chart Of Commercial Positions In 10-Year Treasuries

For those of you wondering about the 30-Year U.S. Treasury market, commercials are also now short 30-Year U.S.Treasuries as well (see chart below).

Commercials Move From Long To Short 30-Year US Treasuries

For those of you wondering about what is happening with the commercials when it comes to the U.S. dollar, they have been aggressively covering their short positions and are now most likely taking the long side of the U.S. dollar (see 23-year chart below).

Commercials Aggressively Covering All-Time Record Shorts On US Dollar

With the additional weakness seen in the U.S. dollar this week, commercials are most likely beginning to move to the long side.  It will be very interesting to see how the long end of the yield curve and the U.S. dollar trade in the weeks and months ahead.  

About Gold & Silver…
As for holders of gold and silver, the wind is finally at your back in the secular bull markets in both metals.  All that is required now is to be patient and hang on through any volatility so that you can experience the massive gains that are still ahead for the precious metals.

