2017年10月15日 星期日

要唔要報警 ?


‪I was sent to a hospital by the police in Manchester yesterday. After waiting 9 hours, I was told that they could not certify that I was of sound mind. I was not able file to my cases to the police. This morning I am transferred to Highgate Mental Heath Clinic. The clinic immediately put me in class 2 (the more serious one) so I am not allowed to access to many places such as the garden‬, before seeing their doctor. I don't know how long I need to stay here, although the maximum is 28 days by law. I have no way to escape. I need help.

I don't think I know what I'm searching on the internet when an administrator in this Job Centre is monitoring all my activities. I am not what I am. I am not Wayne Cheng. I am not controlled by MI5 Special Unit working together with HK POlice Force. Do not let me go away because I am not finding a job over here. I don't think I can find any job here because Mafia has blacklisted me in everywhere. I cannot find a decent job not because I am in my middle age or lack of education and work experience but only because mafia has placed something inside my skull and onto my spine and shoulders

5 則留言:

  1. 我大仔的MBA大學同學, 佢好似須要人幫手, 而依家在騷擾其他同學說須要錢 @-@

  2. 如果是精神科就似係妄想型精神分裂症

  3. 唔知有無機構可以幫到佢 ?

    1. 最好佢肯自願入院,藥物治療,只有食藥先幫到佢。如果他唔肯自願入院,一般國家/地區都冇強制入院做法;除非他有暴力行為,響有人報警下被押留在病房。或者搵人帶佢入急症室(香港最好係去瑪嘉烈醫院或東區醫院急症室,因為佢地精神科資源多),由急症室醫生轉介入院。

  4. 原來佢在曼城醫院住咗一個月, 之後院方無權留佢, 而佢去咗意大利, 近來才返倫敦 !
    因為用曬D錢才向同學求救 !
    佢說在倫敦有三間屋是真, 但因為無人理佢先搞成咁 !
    驚佢諗唔通會自殺, 希望有人可以去幫佢 !
