2017年10月23日 星期一

SILVER SHOCK: Energy Watch Group Believes A Staggering 2 Million Tonnes Of Silver Will Be Needed For Solar!


It looks like the world is headed for a silver shock as Energy Watch Group believes a staggering 2 million tonnes of silver will be needed for solar!

7,000 Gigawatts Will Require 2 Million Tonnes Of Silver!

October 20 (King World News) – Dr. Stephen Leeb:  “I finally found a study that was written by members of a group called the ‘Energy Watch Group.’  Their members include (prominent) professors from Stanford, Florence — professors from all over the world — that study this stuff and publish peer-reviewed work.  The were talking about photovoltaics and how much it will take to make a difference to the world, and their numbers to 2040 stunned me.  They are saying that  photovoltaics will have to represent something like 7,000 gigawatts just to make supply and demand meet by 2040.
I did the calculations before I went on this interview with you, Eric, and I was stunned because I was doing the calculations without keeping in mind what the USGS was saying about how much silver is still left in the world.  But I took their number, Energy Watch Group’s number, and between now and 2040 the amount of silver that we will need in order to produce 7,000 gigawatts of photovoltaics is roughly two million tonnes (of silver)!

5 則留言:

  1. 系唔系真架?甘咪要大舉扫貨?! :))


  2. http://didthesystemcollapse.com/

    长线?呢个网站话有机会美元明年玩完 :)

  3. 講咗十幾年美元玩完, 只是時間問題 XD !


  4. 講佐30年啦 :全球精英系1988 既 New World Order currency(摧毀美元的火鳳凰)? :))

    The "Phoenix" New World Currency Revealed

    The Economist: "Get Ready For A World Currency By 2018"
