2018年2月4日 星期日

This Is What Really Triggered Today’s 600+ Point Plunge In The Dow


With volatility ramping higher, this is what really triggered today’s 600+ point plunge in the Dow. 

February 2 (King World News) – With the Dow and the Nasdaq at all-time highs just days ago, KWN published a piece that turned out to be remarkably accurate titled MAJOR WARNING: The “Invisible Hand” May Finally Be Ready To Let Stock Markets Tank!  Here is a portion of the KWN note:

Could the reckless gambling by the public on bullish call options be the catalyst to kickoff the decline? … One thing is absolutely certain — the banks are on the other side of that trade and they are not going to pay the call option buying public by pushing stocks higher.  If necessary, they may call on the “invisible hand” to back off and let stocks tumble.

Below is the chart from SentimenTrader (in that KWN piece) illustrating the frantic call buying from the public:

“Small Option Trader Bullish” Bets Skyrocket!  Compare that to stock market peak back in 2000!

At this point the public is so heavily long the stock market that the powers may finally let a serious decline unfold.  Remember, for banksters it’s always about one thing — screwing the public while doing “God’s work.”  It was Goldman Sachs CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, who famously stated in 2009 that Goldman Sachs was just “doing God’s work.”

What About Gold & Silver?

Meanwhile, the dollar is rallying as part of an orchestrated plan to hit the gold market, which was trading more than $20 lower at one point.  The price of silver was taken down more than 4%.  This is being done in conjunction with stock market weakness to give the appearance that a declining stock market will be bearish for gold and silver prices…

This trading action is all part of the ongoing psychological warfare against those invested in precious metals, but it is extremely important to understand that this orchestrated decline will be short-lived.  Meaning, a declining stock market will be extremely bullish for gold and silver in the medium- to long-term.  But in the very short-term, the criminal syndicate of banks will try to force the metals lower so they can cover shorts at a profit.  This is all part of the banksters doing “God’s work.”

