2018年3月10日 星期六

James Dines On Gold, Silver And The Coming Storm

早幾年已有人講咗, 邊個國家有黃金就會俾人搞 ! 



At the end of a week that saw the Dow and Nasdaq see some short covering, James Dines discusses gold, silver and the coming storm.

Mass Psychology

March 10 (King World News) – James Dines:  “Debt is your enemy.  Get rid of it.  Get off margin.  Also, since the basis of this trouble looks to be a type of debt and currency, imagine the mass psychology of investors when trouble gets more obvious than it is now.  Listen, I wrote the book on Mass Psychology and my guess is they are going to look for safe havens to move their money to keep their capital safe — what they call ‘temporary safe haven investing.’  And there is nowhere else to go but gold and silver.   And that’s the truth.  Everything else is in danger.  And by luck the mass has still not discovered that gold and silver are cheap.  So you can drink upstream from the herd and then wait for the stampede into the ultimate safest currency, which is gold.  So some cash, gold and silver should be considered as urgent protection against…To continue listening to one of Mr. James Dines’ greatest interviews ever CLICK HERE OR ON THE IMAGE BELOW.


With the CNN Fear/Greed Index plunging to a hyper-fear level of 8 last week, today James Dines spoke with King World News about what is going to create a devastating global collapse and a stampede into gold.

It’s A House Of Cards

March 9 (King World News) – James Dines:  “It’s not in the headlines yet, but big holders of US Treasury bonds have watched interest rates leap from zero percent to 3 percent.  There are trillions of dollars of bonds held by China, Japan, and other nations, using T-Bonds on which to back their own currencies — paper backed by paper.  It’s a house of cards…

James Dines continues:  “You’ve got a 9-year bull market in the stock market and everything has resulted in the greatest complacency I’ve every witnessed in all my years.  And as the original ‘Bond SuperBear,’ the losses to holders will undermine institutions.  

“The Age Of Debt Without Tears Is Coming To An End”

Debts worldwide, both by governments and individuals, have risen to unsustainable, unpayable levels.  And the age of debt without tears is coming to an end.  This means a lot of those who are unprepared are going to go broke.

Trump Stares Down China

And Trump’s rising tariffs will menace China.  China has been living off of huge American trade deficits of a half trillion dollars a year.  And Trump calls it, openly, ‘unsustainable,’ which to me is a warning.  And without that income, the world’s second largest nation will surely go into recession.  No wonder Mr. Xi wants unlimited tenure now.  Any dictator knows the coming economic cutbacks in China might cause what they call, quaintly, ‘unrest.’

The Stampede Into Gold

We have to keep an eye on what’s going to happen because the stampede into gold (will be one for the record books).  Look, Eric, you’ve been around for a long time.  I was your first interview.  And we’ve seen a lot of gold bull markets — there’s nothing like them.  They dominate the….

