2018年6月28日 星期四

Soldiers and RAF helicopter sent in to tackle moorlands fire

英國曼城附近山火 !


Soldiers and an RAF helicopter are due to arrive in Greater Manchester to assist with tackling the huge moorland fire that has raged for days.

About 100 troops from the 4th Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland, were sent from their barracks in Catterick, North Yorkshire, overnight.

A Chinook helicopter will fly out of RAF Odiham, Hampshire, later to move water-pumping equipment by air.

Military help was requested on Wednesday to help battle the blaze.

About sixty firefighters worked overnight to subdue pockets of flames in the fire which had spread across 3.7miles (6km) of moorland above Stalybridge.

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) has faced a catalogue of hurdles in trying to quell the blaze including frequent changes in wind direction, the heavy concentration of flammable peat in the ground and the tinder-dry foliage which has baked in searing temperatures.

The soldiers, who are due to arrive on Thursday morning, will be stationed at an Army training centre and are due to support the effort by managing water lines and assisting in fire beating.

Fire chiefs had asked the military to help move high-volume pump equipment by air to help douse the flames.

