2018年9月19日 星期三

Scientists Warn TSUNAMIS Could Hit The UK Amid Global Weather Chaos


Scientists uncovered evidence that suggests British Isles are already struck by tsunamis

By: Paul Whitehead |@NeonNettle on 17th September 2018 @ 9.00pm

Scientists have warned that Tsunamis are much more like to hit the UK following researchers claims that the risk of a "mega wave" is far more likely amid the volatile weather patterns across the globe.

Scientists uncovered evidence that suggests the British Isles are already struck by tsunamis with much more regularity that had previously thought.

According to weather experts, it was previously believed in the past 10,000 years there has been just one tsunami which has hit Britain - the Storegga landslide off the coast of Norway which led to a 20-meter high tsunami hitting the British Isles 8,200 years ago.

However, researchers from Dundee University discovered that there are where two more "mega waves" which hit the UK in the same timeframe.

According to The Express: A team from the university and workers from the British Geological Survey (BGS) have discovered sands in the Shetlands which they believe proves two more mega-waves hit.

Professor Dave Tappin of the BGS said: "They're much higher frequency, and 1,500 years ago is very, very recent - it's 500 AD if you want to think about it like that.

"It means that the hazard - the risk - is far more serious than we thought previously.”

Dr Sue Dawson, of Dundee University, said: "We found sands aged 5,000 and 1,500 years old at multiple locations in Shetland, up to 13m above sea level.

"These deposits have a similar sediment character as the Storegga event and can therefore be linked to tsunami inundation."

"We are now using a CT scanning machine at the University of Dundee to look at our samples in detail.

“For the first time, we'll have a complete 3D view of the cores we've extracted from the ground and from lochs and seabeds," she explained.

"This detail will show us which direction the wave was travelling in, identify the elements present in the sand and much more.

"This will be the first time that such a level of detail has been captured from these prehistoric tsunami events."

The team believes the tsunamis were triggered by two underwater landslides which dislodged the seabed, leading to massive waves.

Dr Tappin told the BBC these changes to the ocean floor can occur at any moment, meaning we should anticipate other tsunamis.

He said: "It is actually an event – and it's not just maybe one in 10,000 [years]," he revealed.

“There could well be changes on the seabed, changes around the Greenland margin that may well increase the risk of future tsunamis to this part of the world."

