2019年1月26日 星期六

Andrew Maguire – Gold & Silver Now In Massive Coiling Phase Similar To 2011


After telling King World News on January 11, that pullbacks in gold and silver would be very shallow and short-lived, which is exactly what transpired, today London whistleblower and metals trader Andrew Maguire told KWN that gold and silver are now in a massive coiling phase similar to 2011.

Very Large Physical Gold & Silver Buying Taking Place

January 25 (King World News) – Andrew Maguire:  “In our last King World News interview on the January 11, we discussed why the well disseminated calls for a technical pullback were no more than scaremongering as it was underlying physical support levels that would determine pullbacks, and that they would be short-lived and very shallow. In fact, since the test of $1,300 was defended at the start of January there has only been one test of very strong spot gold support at $1,280 with all selling attempts front run by physical buyers…

To provide context, there have been a lot of very timely, (planted), MSM (mainstream media) calls for a long consolidation period in precious metals, (meaning, don’t buy them at critical breakout points into $1,300 gold  and $16 silver). In answer to these calls — well disseminated by the bought and paid for MSM and by design innocently picked up by gold’s friends — we need to put these orchestrated technical calls into perspective.

Large Sovereign Buying

But first, it is very important to note that during the past two weeks I have been in very close discussions with a sovereign entity who is moving to utilize several buying sources to spread out large physical gold and silver orders without raising red flags. This is only part of the massive physical accumulation that is taking place…

We are closely monitoring technical vs physical footprints, and analysts calling for a significant consolidation, (read a wide range of dips between $40-$200), are not in any way connected to the very tight wholesale physical market, which is forcing COT insiders to hedge physical exposure. 

Gold & Silver In Massive Coiling Phase Similar To 2011

We are undergoing a coiling phase which is remarkably similar to 2011, where fundamentals will once again dictate to lagging technicals. The current bullish gold and silver setup evidences the physical market is far tighter than at any time since 1971 for gold, and in silver…

