2019年9月25日 星期三

Liquidity Crisis

把錢存去外國銀行的人要小心啦, 因為大眾在囤積美現鈔, 搞到美元現金流短缺.......小心攬炒...........



Marty, you have made many unbelievable forecasts in so many markets around the world. But your forecast that we would see a liquidity crisis after Labor Day and dollar hoarding is at the top of the list. There is nobody who saw this coming. Your computer can see things nobody can. Looking forward to Orlando this year. Two more board members are coming because of this forecast.



This is what I have been saying. You cannot forecast something you have never witnessed and has not taken place ever before. It takes a computer with a vast database to see things unfold according to historical patterns, but in markets that never existed before.

We have a liquidity crisis unfolding because of massive uncertainty. In October, Draghi leaves and Lagarde enters who believes the answer is to eliminate cash. This is causing dollar hoarding and there are more $100 bills in circulation now with 70% of the physical money supply being hoarded OUTSIDE the USA. Even Australia is hunting money aggressively. They are even proposing nano-chips in $50 bills and up to be able to track hoarding. So smart Australian’s won’t hoard A$ – they will use foreign currencies. Dah?

I mean what I say that the central banks are TRAPPED!!!!! People have NO IDEA what we face. The system is unraveling but not even those in government have understood how it was interwoven to begin with. This is all part of how we are headed into a major Monetary Crisis Cycle and I fear they will misunderstand it once again and create more stupid laws that will bring the entire house of cards down by the time we reach 2032.

If you just play out what has taken place in socialism, there will be $400 trillion of unfunded liabilities by the time we get to 2032. That cannot be dealt with and I suspect we will see more authoritarian usurpation down the line.  This is also why I have stated, my fear is NOT Trump, it is what comes AFTER Trump!

Governments have functioned on vote for me and I will rob someone else for you legally with a pen. This is how ALL Republics die. The very purpose of civilization was that coming together created a synergy that was beneficial for all. When government has always turned against one class for the benefit of another, the purpose of civilization ceases to exist and you revert back to separatism. Read Atlas Shrugged. When that was published, all the socialists hated it.

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you. . . you may know that your society is doomed.” 

3 則留言:

  1. 突然想起 GM 等美國大公司破產時, 重組佢地往日員工退休金制度, 之後就重新再上市.

    美國社會大約都好似咁, 未來社會保障網的缺口. 都會透過重組來解決, 即是有些人的社會保障網會被稀釋呀!

    如果美國2032年會咁發生, 中國就會在2025年, 當勞保每年缺口20萬億, 這些重組也會在中國發生.

    不過, 這些事對富人中產來說, 並不會有問題,

    向上流動呢? 會越來越少嗎? 導至社會不安?

    在一個一切完全自給自足的國家, 糧食多到可以大賣全世界的國家, 社會不安相對來講, 不會太大, 反而擔心中國的社會動蘯會越發尖銳呀!

  2. 我勸我這邊的親中大叔, 要為到中國被禁運作好準備, 甚至有可能如伊朗般被制裁, 到時連錢都寄唔到返鄉下. 我勸佢地快快搬D$50美金現鈔返鄉下, 筆錢最少要夠捱十年八年的苦日子, 仲叫鄉下親人收埋係床下底, 唔可以存銀行.

    仲勸佢地求神拜佛香港一國兩制唔好完蛋, 唔好有冬瓜豆腐, 因為一被禁運, D生活必需大多都要由香港入去. 由夏門或仁川入的, 不會多呀,

  3. 美國破產保護只為走數而設, 所有供應商才是受害者!
    美聯儲已開始QE4, 注入過百億美元控制銀行間借貸息口(由2%升至10%),這現象極似雷曼之前,有人懷疑有一至數間銀行出現問題,無法得到現金所至!
