2019年9月26日 星期四

Von Greyerz: "Whole Financial System Disappearing Into Black Hole"

Martin Amstrong 預測的2032年大洗牌........


Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,

Financial and precious metals expert Egon von Greyerz (EvG) says the signs abound that we are nearing the end of this global fiat money experiment while central bankers are befuddled.

EvG explains, “The central banks are panicking..."

"They don’t know what to do anymore. They are just starting to print money and with the euro on a daily basis...
Europe is starting QE again with $20 billion a month, but that’s nothing compared to what is coming. . . . The panic that started with central banks in the summer in late July and August was, to me, the first step towards total chaos in the world that we will be seeing in the months and years to come.  They (central bankers) see it clearly.
They know the banking system is absolutely on the verge of collapse.  They know Deutsche Bank (DB) and CommerzBank, too, are down 95%.  If you show this chart to a child and ask where is that likely to go, it is likely to go to zero. DB, with their $50 trillion in derivatives, there is no chance they will survive. Of course, Germany and the ECB is panicking because that will affect the whole banking system worldwide.  This is why they have started to print money now because there is a massive liquidity problem, and that’s Germany, which is the best country in the EU from the point of economics.  Then you take Italy, Spain, France and Greece and they are in a real mess. 
This is why the whole system is on the verge of disappearing into a black hole... With the U.S., there is massive liquidity pressure there too.
The massive amount of money printing to keep the fiat system afloat is just starting.  EvG contends, “This is just a practice round..."
"  This is just more money at this point.  The balance sheet . . . of the Fed is going to go from around $4 trillion to $40 trillion.  It is going to go to $100 trillion before this is over. So, right now, they are just practicing a bit because they are going to put the pedal down to the bottom very soon...
There is no other way to save this system, it has gone too far. I am not a pessimist. I don’t want to see the end of the world, but you can see their actions. You can see that now there is absolutely no way out. The only thing they know is to print money. They have already reduced rates to zero or negative, which is a disaster in and of itself.”
EvG predicts, “All of these bubble assets that are based on just credit and credit expansion are going to implode measured in real terms, measured in gold."

"I expect the stock market and the property market to lose at least 95% or more in real terms. . . . The next up cycle for gold (and silver) has started. The next phase of this market has started, and it is going to go on for a long, long time. It is going to go to levels that will be hard to believe today. . . .The world cannot have solid growth until this debt has imploded . . . the transition will be terrible, but I don’t see any other solution to this...
The debt can only be wiped out by also wiping out all the asset values. You can’t just make the debt disappear and have the assets stand there at the values that they are today. . . . When this debt is written off or implodes, or whatever they want to call it, that means all these assets are going to go down. That’s why I am saying it is going to go down 95% against gold. There is absolutely no other way, in my view.” 

6 則留言:

  1. 我们大众市民可以做些什么应对呢?

  2. 現金可以因政府負債而眨值!

  3. 我所觀察到, 全世界眾多大央行中, 現在最頭痛果間, 係中國央行, 跟歐美央行一樣, 這11-12年都係靠借貸來運行經濟, 只是中國面對歐美沒有的2個大問題: 1. 中國在缺乏開放市場下, 這些年來做了很多脫離市場的經濟和商業決策, 導致資金走入死路, 不是拉起經濟; 2. 中國資金前幾年往外走, 只是現在係外國, 仍未產生大型共同效應之下, 現在被命令不計血本套現回國.

    任何國家都是一樣, 資金入左死路, 拉唔起經濟, 一到資金好似現在咁, 出現拉緊下, 就會立刻度度都資金扯緊, 央行就算出手救, 新資金都會被拉入死路, 而唔係拉起經濟. 救唔到了. 只能讓入左死路果D先沉底, 找出果D有活力的, 再去救, 才有希望, 只是都係同一事, 沒有開放市場呀, 長官意志下, 拉唔沃呀!

  4. 中國無外國咁頭痕,下滑經濟無咩人敢岀來示威,話停市就停市,充公企業資產,統銷統購,會係最後一個死,然後如鳳凰再生,主宰2032後的100年
