2019年10月16日 星期三

The Western Mafia Tightens Its Grip On the Canadian Financial System


Written by Peter Diekmeyer, Sprott Money News

The Bank of Canada’s recent appointment of Toni Gravelle to its governing council drew barely a yawn from mainstream media.
Gravelle has all the usual qualifications for membership on the prestigious body, which broadly determines interest rates, asset valuations, and consumer prices.
The Bank of Canada’s latest recruit brings to the table international experience and a Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario, which has been producing many of the country’s top economists.
Indeed, Western alumni increasingly dominate Canada’s financial system.
Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz and Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Wilkins have graduate degrees from Western, as do four of the BoC’s six governing council members.
Bill Morneau, Canada’s Minister of Finance, and the CEOs of the Royal Bank of Canada and BMO could also be described as members of the “Western Mafia.”
A small town in Western Ontario
How the University of Western Ontario—which is located in a small town in the middle of nowhere—came to be so successful is far from clear.
Western’s Ivey Business School has long had a great reputation.
However, the only private sector innovation to speak of in the region that could spark an incubator talent effect appears to come from an armored vehicle factory, an insurance provider, and a couple of small tech firms.
Indeed, what the elites would regard as the University of Western Ontario’s economics department’s “success” appears to stem directly from what Misesian free market economists would regard as its failures.
Western, like peers Harvard University and the London School of Economics, specializes in cranking out experts who can demonstrate why governments can spend your money better than you.
That research is increasingly valuable.
A licence for unlimited borrowing, spending, and printing
That’s because mainstream economics hasn’t evolved much since John Maynard Keynes—as interpreted by academia—gave governments unlimited licence to tax, borrow, spend, and print.
However, five decades of increasing government dominance in the economy have proved to be a disaster:
  1. GDP hasn’t grown in more than a decade as calculated on a debt-adjusted basis using a realistic deflator.
  2. Average real household income has stagnated to the point that families increasingly can’t afford kids. Canada must rely on immigration for growth.
  3. Governments—through interest rate suppression —are providing vast hidden subsidies for special interest groups ranging from the fossil fuel and automotive industries to cattle production and real estate development. This is spurring environmental despoliation that free markets would stop cold.
  4. Canadian system debts (public, private, household and financial) according to Statistics Canada hit $8.3 trillion at the end of Q2 2019, up 45% since Poloz took office six years ago. That works out to nearly $1 million in debt for each Canadian under the age of 19.
Governments—ever hungry for more power—are starved for econometric models that “demonstrate” how previous setbacks were caused by free market “failures” and how just a bit more intervention will set things right.
Graduates of elite economics programs, who aren’t exposed to compulsory courses in economics history , are thus uniquely suited to produce such models, as their narrow focus enables them to ignore “externalities.”
“Group think” in public policy circles
The growing dominance of elite economists has spawned another problem: the “group think” that dominates public policy circles.
One example illustrates the point.
The two parties to the “inflation targeting agreement” that the Bank of Canada negotiates every five years with the Finance Ministry—Finance Minister Bill Morneau and Stephen Poloz—are both graduates of the dirigisme taught at the University of Western Ontario.
It is thus only natural that they decided to maintain the ban on free currency markets and to continue government controls on interest rates, money supply, and consumer prices.
The example illustrates that without diversity in Canadian government institutions—particularly openness to new ideas about credit cycle theory, sound money, and the economic calculation problem—things are unlikely to change.
Governments will thus almost certainly continue to suck capital from productive sectors, debase the currency, and foster a growing secular credit bubble of increased system debt relative to GDP.
A final interesting point relates to whether Governor Stephen Poloz is using his influence to pack the Bank of Canada’s governing council—and possibly internal posts as well—with members of the Western Mafia.
The Bank of Canada’s ban on Alt-Media from its public events and policy conferences , where discrete inquiries could be made, makes it hard to say.
Just as important: was Poloz’s decision to ban Alt-Media spurred by a desire to cover up his growing cronyism at the central bank?
For investors, those details are moot.
Their focus will be on preserving capital in an environment in which governments, special interest groups, and other insiders milk the system dry.

1 則留言:

  1. 現在很多地方都係好似加國咁, MILK DRY THE SYSTEM, 抽乾公共財政, 歐洲比加國嚴重, 其他的, 美國也不好太多, 原本香港在公共理財上, 做得不錯, 所以我在上年打算回流享清福,

    只是, 現在咁樣, 若沒有改變, 香港情況會一步一步惡化, 香港政府公共財政會崩潰, 政府收入抵不住支出, 做成政府部門內資源爭奪戰, 首先被開刀的, 是已經退休公務員的長俸退休金, 之後, 就是紀律部隊出來壓縮文職的資源, 之後, 就是揸槍的紀律部隊壓縮不揸槍紀律部隊的資源. 之後, 就是揸槍的紀律部隊中. 較有良心的, 被上級跟上邊公安互調, 調去青海/新疆, 明升級但暗整著這些資本主義殖民餘孽. 這個就是一些人心裡所想的, 消滅資主義的方法, 先攬炒香港的外來投資, 再攬炒香港政府的儲備, 再攬炒香港政府的收支平衝, 再攬炒香港政府裡的各部門, 令其鬼打鬼, 之後, 當然攬炒香港揸槍的紀律部隊, 把信唔得過的外人, 調走整頓, 把自己人調入來香港.

    我這些人去到邊度, 都唔會靠政府, 所以無論加國又好, 香港又好, 都不用理會佢地公共財政.
