2019年11月8日 星期五







3 則留言:

  1. I remember people are celebrate this for all china poeple die in this case.

    Now England is confirmed they are all from Vietnam.

    Now we can see how stupid is those poeple who believe the Fake News and create the story on their own.

    Thats why I hate Facebook to let people hack the account and put those fake things and mark it as "News" because of the money.

    And I already delete my FB account at May, 2019 because of this.

    Those people should take a class to learn how the picture, sound, words, video, etc can be create in fake very easy.

  2. 有中國血統的人好開心有中國人死是好悲.......都唔知佢地點解會變成咁樣 ?

  3. They act like China killed all their family members and take away all their money. But in real China done nothing to them, those hate are only from their image.

    Right now I just know Trump takes away my family life and money and put all US people money to stock market....
    Cut all the money from every dependent such as health, food, etc.
    All the people I know from family, friend, coworker. Once they get in hospital, they will find a cancer then all dead. No one alive yet since 2017.

    But 2020 finally a turn, I think people finally know who is lie and then every things back to normal.
