2019年12月7日 星期六

The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest Globally

Martin Amstrong  都說世上有好多蠢人..............會破壞全球經濟.........而香港不是唯一.............下一年美國都會成為風暴地區.....



Dear Marty , what do you’re models say about the unrest in South America (Chili, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentinia) .
It looks like the whole continent is on flames.

All the best,
ciao G


I will update the Cycle of War in 2020. As I have stated many times, the computer has correlated both the international war among nations as well as the civil unrest which leads to revolutions. Normally, these two separate models move at different times. When they align, we get the most dramatic changes. This is what is taking place right now on a global scale. We have rising civil unrest around the globe. There is no place that is exempt.

We will see even the US 2020 elections become much more violent. It will be similar to the 1960s, but this is not over race. This time economics is driving the cycle which is being articulated in the battle between socialism v capitalism. Never before in history do we see the losing side simply refuse to accept their loss and move on. This nonsense that Trump is “#NotMyPresident” reflects the rising discontent which will turn to violence next year.

Then the socialists are out to destroy capitalism using climate change. This is also a cleverly orchestrated movement that is political beneath the surface. Shutting down fuel, ending cars and air travel — people have no idea that the agenda is to send society back to the Stone Age and end, not just industrialization, but capitalism.

This is not going to end well. The stupidity of people to ascribe to climate change without looking closely at the proposals is just an illustration of how easily the mob can be fooled. They are being convinced to surrender all their freedoms on the pretense that we face extinction in 12 years.

8 則留言:

  1. 因為民主制度走到盡頭了,獨裁制度swing back

  2. 其實依家支持民主的, 心中好想共產, 就係共人地的資產, 平樓價/平交通費/平油價.....資本主義的完結....

  3. 中國國家社會主義就係未來

  4. 平樓價/平交通費/平油價這些渴求, 在一個供少求多的環境下, 就是共產萌芽基因.

    但在一個物產資源豐富的環境下, 求少供大 ,就是一個資本主義自我復修的基因, 吸收剩餘產能和調節產能. 在這樣的一個環境下, 誰人會想去共人家的產? 只會害怕共了人家產後, 產能急插水帶來的一切生活質素急跌!

    為何D人幾十年前硬要說"人多好辦事"? 就係要令到供少求多, 市場機制失衡, 咁樣, 共產土壤才會肥沃, 才會長治久安, 人們永世服膺了.

    真係時常同我自己講, 唔好聽人亂講!

  5. 世財富不圴, 獨裁政府, 下層無法上流, 自然引發更多反抗暴政!

  6. 好多事都由惡法而生!
    香港係, 法國都係...

  7. 陰謀論:就係NWO, 中央銀行, 美聯儲

  8. 留意吓多d歷史,就會知道,資本主義同共產主義向呢個世界循環過好多次。
