講講生活, 講講投資.
At least one in five people worldwide were infected with swine flu during the first year of the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic, an international research group said on Friday, but the death rate was just >>>0.02 percent.<<<https://www.reuters.com/article/us-flu-h1n1-pandemic/swine-flu-infected-1-in-5-death-rate-low-study-shows-idUSBRE90O0T720130125
https://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news/20180212/bknint-20180212184139084-0212_17011_001.html美致命流感一周殺逾4000人 現特敏福短缺危機https://hk.on.cc/int/bkn/cnt/news/20150224/bknint-20150224010652390-0224_17011_001.html印度流感肆虐 833人死亡1.4萬人感染
冇錯根本就係啲黑傳媒,全球假資訊不斷去攻擊中國香港! 加埋啲本地漢姦,愛洋腸嘅賣國賊 趁機會在加害香港以祖國!
At least one in five people worldwide were infected with swine flu during the first year of the 2009-2010 H1N1 pandemic, an international research group said on Friday, but the death rate was just >>>0.02 percent.<<<
回覆刪除美致命流感一周殺逾4000人 現特敏福短缺危機
印度流感肆虐 833人死亡1.4萬人感染
冇錯根本就係啲黑傳媒,全球假資訊不斷去攻擊中國香港! 加埋啲本地漢姦,愛洋腸嘅賣國賊 趁機會在加害香港以祖國!