2020年2月14日 星期五

The 2020 Elections & the Coming Violence

預測美國在選舉後會大亂 ? 而美債爆煲 ?


Democracy is dying and it just looks like we have to go into the crash and burn. The President won more votes than any incumbent ever in history. The Democrats have adopted such a left-wing agenda that it is truly scaring the “silent majority” who most often are never represented in the polls. In the Democratic camp, Bernie supporters realize that the game is rigged. There are fears emerging among Bernie supporters that his nomination will be stolen like the last time. They fear that party-bosses claim that they have rewritten the nomination rules after the nasty 2016 primary race to quell a backlash from Sanders’ supporters, that will not matter, Last time, the influence of the “superdelegates” backed Hillary which was not represented by any democratic vote. They are absolutely correct – they will never allow Bernie to represent the party in November.

Even Bloomberg is acting very left-wing and many see him with resentment. The common complaint is that he made all his money and now wants to oppress the small business owners with his insane environmental regulations. He thinks he can just buy the presidency and vows to outspend Trump. Hillary outspent Trump by 10:1 so 2016 showed that money was not the deciding factor. Bloomberg is a very dangerous guy for his decision on the stop-and-frisk illustrates that his claim that crime was just too high and he had to do something demonstrates he has no respect for constitutional rights. This is not a dictatorship and many see his Napoleon Complex a very dangerous. Bloomberg News will, of course, pitch him to the world just like CNN will oppose Trump regardless of who the Democratic candidate will be. My bet is on Hillary still – (OPINION).

The real problem to emerge is interesting. When Obama was elected, we did not hear Republicans claiming “he’s not my president!” Something has seriously changed. Historically, everyone who voted for the losing candidate simply moved on and that was the end of the contest. This time, the left is hell-bent on oppressing the right and this is not what civilization is supposed to be about. No matter who wins in 2020, they will just not accept a loss.

This is just not going to end well and it is part of the collapse in confidence in the bond market and governments. CNN and the rest of the biased media are fueling this divide. They just do not care what they are doing to the nation. We are no longer a democracy or a viable civilization that benefits LIBERTY. It is all about suppressing the opponent.

This is why the backlash is becoming evidence from both sides. If the winner is not respected as the president, then what is the purpose of even having a unified country? The United States becomes the Free-For-All of States. We have New York declaring it is a “sanctuary” state issuing IDs to illegal aliens who then do not pay taxes or are ineligible to vote legally? So they defend people who cannot even vote or pay taxes? Very strange thinking indeed!

5 則留言:

  1. 其實, 現在很多地方都會有可能爆煲呀! 只是差在可能性高或低囉!

    現在老美大部份人生活都過得唔錯, 比起2008年時, 人們失業無所事事去河邊釣魚, 現在低失業率, 沒有人會無所事事的! 唯一問題, 就只有貧富不均, 做到死死下都只能糊到口.

    不過, 上邊問題遠大於老美, 上邊很多人做到死死下, 都不能糊到口, 真是不能用一言解釋老美環境, 都是那一句, 先來美國走一轉, 看看跟上邊有什麼分別囉!

  2. 風水流輪轉........半年前你都唔會想到會有肺炎大爆發.......

  3. 你講上邊呀? 我這裡真係唔多見到市道有乜大逆轉, 可能我退左休了, 不再問世事了, 只見到D物價持平, 就算冬天的新鮮蔬果會貴, 但又不比上年冬天貴呀, 生活仍照舊的十分滋潤呀! 只是不再去唐人超市了, 上次辦年貨時, 有人衣著像剛從大6來, 仲聽到佢D煲冬瓜係糊北口音呀! 嚇得我以後都唔敢去唐人多D地方呀!

  4. 物價愈來愈平就是通縮......

  5. 這裡冬天食品價格往往係天氣有關, 今年不太凍, 溫室種植用電都會少, 而美國北邊近加國的地區, 就會越容易種到菜出來運上來, 一來供應多左, 二來近左運輸成本低左.
