2020年6月14日 星期日

Truck Drivers Reject Delivery To Cities With Defunded Or Disbanded Police

This is free America...........


A popular trucking app called "CDLLife" polled its users Thursday and found an overwhelming number of drivers will not "pickup/deliver to cities with defunded/disbanded police departments."

On Saturday afternoon, 1,212 users of the trucking app responded to the poll, with 79% saying they will not deliver loads to lawless cities.

Truck drivers also voiced their opinions on the comment section of the poll. After reviewing their concerns, we found several notable responses:

"As American Truck Drivers I feel we have the power to Stop all this that's going on! Park you Truck until the RIOTS STOP HAPPENING!," app user Albert T Pearl wrote. 
"Unless my company starts allowing me co carry my gun in truck I won't do it," Robert Adkins wrote. 
"Fuck those liberal assholes," David Simpson wrote. 
"No cops= more Violence and targeted robbing," Scott Cuellar wrote. 
"No I will not deliver to an area with a disbanded police department. My life matters and i do this for my family," wrote Casnpaper.
"I just turned down a load from Miami to st paul paying 3800 my life matter more than any other," wrote Carlos Barreras.
"Nope no load is worth my life," wrote Eddie Bean.
The poll comes after weeks of social unrest across the country. It has since sparked a political movement among radical leftists who seek to defund and disband police departments. We noted last week the Minneapolis City Council voted to replace the police department with "community-led" model:
"The City of Minneapolis just took another step - albeit a small one - toward the "police-free future" that BLM activists, denizens of the CHAZ and the Democratic politicians who pander to them envision, as the "defund the police" movement gains momentum across the country. On Friday afternoon, members of the Minneapolis City Council who previously voted in a veto-proof majority to try and abolish the department again voted to take the next step toward pushing an agenda item that has virtually no chance of ever becoming a reality.
According to the latest vote, the council will begin a year-long process to gather input from various community stakeholders about what a future 'public safety department' might look like."
Already a dangerous profession, truckers, who value their lives more than the cargo they haul, have been heard on CDLLife app calling for a nationwide moratorium of delivering goods until the riots stop. To understand why truckers are rejecting deliveries to certain cities -- the shocking videos below detail the "Mad Max" situation across major US metros:

Did you forget to mention those guys were looting the truck?

This is America, They have begun robbing moving trains in packs of hundreds

Truck drivers have been on the frontline of the global pandemic. These folks move 68% of all freight tonnage in the US. So if riots and defunding police cause drivers to reject loads, and even form a protest of their own -- then say hello to domestic supply chain disruptions -- or better yet, no V-shaped economic rebound this year.

