2021年9月26日 星期日

西班牙拉帕爾馬島火山持續噴發 機場關閉


西班牙加那利群島拉帕爾馬島(La Palma)繼7日前火山爆發噴出大量火山灰和岩漿後,近日又有新破口,岩漿持續流出。受到火山灰影響,當地天空呈現一片灰濛濛,機場亦要暫時關閉。





Acid rain caused by sulfur dioxide gas spewing from the volcano in Spain's Canary Islands of La Palma will reach Europe this weekend.

Lava flows from the Cumbre Vieja volcano is releasing thousands of tons of sulfur dioxide gas into the atmosphere, and mixing with clouds will fall downwind towards France and the Mediterranean basin. 

The volcanic eruption emits between 7,997 and 10,665 tons of sulfur dioxide per day and may last between one and three months. Areas downwind are at risk of acid rain, posing health issues for humans and animals by aggravating pre-existing respiratory illnesses. There's also the risk it may damage crops and contaminate drinking water. 

The latest activity of Cumbre Vieja this week was a new fissure that emerged on Monday and produced additional lava flows that resulted in 500 islanders evacuating.

Volcanologists expect Cumbre Vieja to continue producing similar behavior in the coming days and weeks, which means Europe might receive additional rounds of acid rain. Once the pressure in the magma chamber goes down, lava will stop flowing.

