2021年12月4日 星期六

Stocks Extend Losses, Break Below Key Technical Support


Update (1100ET): US equity market dip-buyers are notably absent and Nasdaq And Small Caps are now down 2% on the day (after being up 0.5% before the 'good news' hit)...

This has pushed the majors below key technical support once again. S&P < 50DMA, Nasdaq <100DMA, and Dow <200DMA (Small Caps are already well below the 200DMA)...

As SpotGamma notes, things start to get a little more exciting if the S&P drops to 4500 as Gamma flips...

And we are getting close...

Plunging unemployment and record high ISM Services... what is their to complain about?

Sadly - for equity investors - a lot! This 'good news' is very definitely 'bad news' for the only thing that levitates stocks - Fed liquidity - as it offers yet more cover for an accelerate taper and earlier and more aggressive rate-hike trajectory.

STIRs are pricing in an increasingly hawkish Fed...

And stocks don't like that...

It appears - just like in Dec 2018 - stocks are in search of the new strike price for Powell's Put (stocks fell 20% before Powell flip-flopped and sent the yield curve soaring again)...

Meanwhile, the yield curve has ripped back to flatter on the day...

As a Fed policy mistake is also priced in.




非農職位增21萬個 遠遜預期


CUNA共同基金首席經濟學家Steve Rick表示,令人不安的是無法在10月份強勁的數據基礎上再接再厲,而隨着冬季的到來,就業市場的不確定性只會愈來愈大。

另外,聖路易斯聯儲銀行總裁布拉德(James Bullard)表示,聯邦公開市場委員會(FOMC)可能希望在即將舉行的會議上加快縮減債券購買規模,他仍然支持明年加息兩次。不過,布拉德準備該講稿時,遠遜預期的非農就業數據尚未公布。



