2011年10月22日 星期六

China Bought Massive Amount of Gold Today


Gold and silver bounced off of the lows today because of massive buying from the Chinese. A trader out of London told King World News, “The price discount in gold is the most welcome thing to the entire Eastern Hemisphere. The Chinese are buying very relentlessly because they know what is going to happen. We had a major, major physical buy order today. The Chinese bought a massive amount of physical today at the lows.”

The London Trader continues:

“They (the Asians) are aware of how tight physical supply is and they buy in London towards the fix because they know there is an 80% chance the commercials will take it down and they will get a better price. The Asians sit there and say, ‘Bring it on because we’ve got some orders to fill.’ They just want out of their dollars.

The commercials are doing some surgical moves at key times during the day. This is an attempt right now to get the tech funds and momentum traders into going short. But guess who’s down there competing to buy along with the physical orders? The commercials, the same ones who kicked off the selling. The commercials want out of their shorts....

“What we are seeing now is this consolidation pattern where the commercials are getting out of their short positions whenever possible. All the while they are squeezing fresh shorts. They take the metals down, make the charts look bearish to bring in fresh shorts and later they squeeze them out of their positions on a rally and pocket the money.

As I said earlier, we had a major physical buy order today. The Chinese bought a massive amount of physical today at the lows and that is why the market turned where it did because of the intensity of Chinese buying.

Having said that, most of the physical orders are sitting under the market now. There are major buy orders that did not get triggered yet and they sit between $1,585 and $1,605. We are talking about massive tonnage.”

Unbelievably this is part of a continued transfer of wealth from the West to the East. While our central planners try to figure out how to keep the broken system functioning, the cost to the West is we keep emptying our vaults of gold and shipping it to the vaults in the East.

1 則留言:

  1. 中國買多多都唔夠,將來page養大左,唔夠turnover
