2012年8月22日 星期三

Gold & Silver Again Blasting Higher

美元轉跌, 金、銀、油、匯又強返啦 !


Silver and gold have both again exploded on the COMEX open for the 2nd consecutive day.
After consolidating throughout the London session around $28.90, silver burst through resistance at $29, and exploded through $29.50 to $29.54.
Gold has also finally burst through it’s cartel cap at $1620, popping as high as $1641 in early COMEX trading.
Look for silver to quickly target $30, as it appears silver’s 15 month correction has completed.
Any retest of former resistance at $28.20-$28.35 (which could likely come tomorrow after the Fed minutes release) should be bought, as it looks like silver is ready to begin it’s explosive journey to new all-time nominal highs!

Gold is ready to retest Sinclair’s $1650 angel.  From there, it will quickly target $1800, and after a likely battle there, should move to retest it’s August 2011 nominal highs near $1915.

2 則留言:

  1. 回Chic Wong,
    金銀價格已調整近一年啦, 我都唔想佢咁快升, 不過大家要有心理準備, 平金銀會成為過去式 !
