2012年10月27日 星期六

Liberty Dollar Creator Awaiting Prison

Norfed liberty dollars 鑄幣者等坐牢 !

www.silverdoctors.com 全文

Bernard von NotHaus faces up to 20 years in prison for his ‘conviction’ of the crime of minting $60 million worth of constitutionally legal private silver coins.   Naturally, since von NotHaus made the mistake of minting the word dollar on the coins, the Feds threw the book at him, confiscated the phyzz, and labeled the patriot a ‘domestic terrorist’.

2 則留言:

  1. 係未佢自己鑄自家銀幣?....挑戰美元

  2. 文章說, 佢衰在幣上寫上幾多美元呢 !
    如果佢只寫重量, 唔寫面值就無事啦 !
    而依家變為假冒美金 !
