2013年5月18日 星期六

營運開支不足 商品交易所自願放棄牌照




香港文匯報訊(記者 黃嘉銘)香港拓展商品期貨市場受挫,香港商品交易所(下稱商交所)昨日宣佈,自願放棄由證監會批發的自動化交易服務(ATS)供應商資格,證監會已撤回有 關認可,並發出正式通知,即時生效。商交所解釋,鑑於交易所帶來的收入不足以應付營運開支,決定交回其提供自動化交易服務的認可,將不可繼續提供自動化交 易服務。商交所主席張震遠稱,現時產品不夠競爭力,要集資重組。停止交易後會繼續運作,保留現有員工,希望6月底再申請自動化交易服務的資格。
 根據商交所的退市安排,於今年5月16日交易時間結束時仍未平倉的合約,將會按照商交所及其指 定結算所釐訂的結算價作現金結算,並以美元交收。而投資者將會得到相關的詳細訊息,並將於周一(5月20日)上午將議定的結算價格通知會員。商交所盡快聯 絡會員,確保其自動化交易服務的運作有秩序地結束,證監會將與商交所保持密切聯繫。投資者如有疑問,可致電商交所熱線3900 9733查詢。 

適時再申ATS 不會裁員 

 張震遠接受本地傳媒訪問時表示,商交所自願向證監會交回牌照,原因是未能滿足證監會要求,帳目上資 金不足9個月營運開支。但張震遠強調,商交所會繼續經營,正進行配股行動,6月底前會配股籌集1億美元資金,將有足夠資金應付未來幾年經營。此外,商交所 會重組、優化股東架構、人事及產品,會加強做市商制度,並在適當時機重新申請ATS資格以推出新產品,不會裁員。 


 張震遠承認,今次是一個挫折,並指創業總有挫折,但他們並未放棄,仍相信商品交易的前景,現時要優先處理的事宜是保障會員的利益 ,確保平倉活動順利進行。
 商交所於2008年6月25日宣佈成立。張震遠在任職泰山石化(1192)時已積極研究成立商交 所。而早在商交所宣布成立之前個多星期,當時財爺曾俊華在報章撰文大談香港要發展黃金及燃料油期貨等商品市場,被指為商交所造勢,皆因香港發展燃料油期 貨,可協助中國這個石油入口大國對沖油價風險。而選址在中國境內的香港成立商交所,亦較好管理。

2011年起開市 會員達43家 


7 則留言:

  1. A lot of disinformation. The turnover in 2012 was over 50billion USD. How come there is no business.

  2. 要收檔終會有藉口, 蘋果日報有另一版本, 唔知誰是真資料 !

  3. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/946750_522157431176451_958331258_n.jpg

  4. http://silverdoctors.com/hkmex-to-cease-trading-will-close-out-cash-settle-open-contracts-monday/#more-26786
    I’, thinking Gomez and Morticia had a hand in this. Maybe the entire Adams Family. Remember them? Uncle Fester, cousin It.
    Itook a trip in the wayback machine and recalled the long conversations we had here when this business was set. There was substantial speculation, some of it well reasoned. Suspicions were raised about the present of the Rothchilds. Some connections tied to the LME. China bought the LME for about $1.9 billion over a year ago If there is a connection between those two firms, then there is more to the situation that a booboo shutdown, release of license and a need of $100 from Daddy warbucks, like widget noted.
    These types of organizations are well connected, just like banking institutions. Someone is pulling on threads to see what falls out. Let’s keep eyes on this to see what happens.

  5. It seems to me that the exchange, set up in 2011, was a shell company designed to accept gold/silver products from Rothchild Et. Al. then delivered to Chinese government to assuage their thinking that all the US Bonds the hold are worthless. There was a deal made to pay the Chinese gold/silver in exchange they did not sell or stop buying US Treasuries. Gold/silver from US scrap was sent to them via SA, gold/silver was sent from Fed Reserve Banks in NYC/Boston stolen under the guise of a hurricane/bombing respectively. China is now happy they have adequate gold/silver and withdrew threats to dump Treasuries. Thus the price smash to get gold/silver melt, weak hands to sell may be over. If this hunch is correct, and the transfer’s are complete (or winding down), we will see more upward price action…resuming normal based on yet to be released aweful economy numbers after a natural disaster or two this fall. Soros gave me the clues. He rolls the dice 3-4 months in advance! This is my story and I am sticking to it. Really is no less unreasonable than the guru’s.

  6. If the HYMEX is obligated to pay all the outstanding 100,000 ounces of Gold outstanding in the open contract, that is only about 3.5 tons of Gold, why cant they deliver physical Gold rather than paper? The fact is that none of these exchanges can meet physical demand including the Comex or the LBMA. So, this is certainly an indication of the paper con game we have been watching.

  7. 真正內幕大家好難知, 但羅家有份的都唔會是好野 !
