2013年5月18日 星期六

North American Oil Production to Dominate World Supply

因為新技術, 所以北美洲可以在山區地方抽取石油, 而產量可以影響到中東產油國 !

問題是, 呢些油產量, 可以救到美國的龐大赤字嗎 ?


May 14, 2013, 4:16 a.m. ET


North American oil production will dominate world-wide supply growth over the next five years, the International Energy Agency predicted Tuesday, the result of growing production from "fracking" and other technologies that access once-inaccessible reserves.
It is a shift that few predicted five years ago, and will come at the expense of producers like members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries that have for years dominated the industry.
In its most recent analysis, which takes a five-year view of the oil market, the IEA said U.S. production is rising much faster than previously forecast as a result of sustained high prices and more efficient operations.
The latest forecast marks a shift in the IEA's previous thinking, which saw supply growth split between OPEC and non-OPEC countries in the medium term. The fast U.S. supply growth has diminished U.S. demand for oil from OPEC countries like Nigeria, and in the long term, growing U.S. exports of oil and natural gas could further weaken OPEC, says Amy Myers Jaffe, who studies energy and the oil industry at the University of California at Davis but didn't know the contents of the IEA report.
The IEA, which represents the interests of large, energy-consuming countries, last year forecast that the U.S. could become the world's biggest oil producer by 2020, overtaking OPEC giant Saudi Arabia, though possibly only temporarily.
The surprise upswing in North American production in recent years is the result of faster-than-expected development of resources locked in shale and other tight rock formations in the country, and has changed expectations of future supply and demand world-wide.
According to the IEA, average North American production is expected to grow by 3.9 million barrels a day between 2012 and 2018, accounting for more than half of the increase in non-OPEC production for the period.
Meanwhile, the producers that have historically dominated the oil market face a difficult period as demand for OPEC's oil is expected to slip in the coming years.
As of this year, the IEA expects demand for OPEC oil to fall below 30 million barrels a day--the organization's self-imposed production ceiling. IEA expects that trend to endure until 2018.
The ongoing dynamic is "a recipe for crashing prices unless OPEC countries can coordinate in restricting their production in a way they haven't in a long time," said Michael Levi, who studies the effects of growth in U.S. energy production for the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations but didn't know the contents of the IEA report.
The IEA also said instability in North and Sub-Saharan Africa will take a toll on production capacity growth in some OPEC states.
According to the IEA's projections, average OPEC production capacity will rise by 1.75 million barrels a day between 2012 and 2018 to reach 36.75 million barrels a day by the end of the period. The previous estimate pegged OPEC production capacity between 2011 and 2017 to grow 3.34 million barrels a day to 37.54 million barrels a day in 2017.
These changes coupled with the ongoing rise in Asian demand will have a profound impact on the market over the next five years, the IEA said.
"There is hardly any aspect of the global oil supply chain that will not undergo some measure of transformation over the next five years, with significant consequences for the global economy and oil security," the IEA said.


下面文章說, 美國的頁油出產不夠來填補中東國家減少的原油出產, 而中東國自己消耗的原油也愈來愈多 !

所以唔好信有人說, [美國德州頁岩油由地下嘖出來], 全是誇大謊言 !

因為頁岩油須用好大人力物力和清水, 而唔係掘個井就有油嘖出來, 而說呢個說話的人是大家以為是美國通專家 !


Just like the U.S. Retirement Market, the dollar is backed by a huge amount of future liabilities ($16.7 trillion and growing), which are again… Energy IOU’s.  There is no way these debts will ever be repaid, because there will not be the available energy supply in the future to do so.  As I mentioned before, the energy situation has already impacted the debt laden global markets — it only gets worse from here on out.
Even though the United States is bragging about its new Shale Oil Bonanza, this will turn out to be a mere blip in the whole scheme of things.  World conventional oil production already peaked and the only thing saving the day is… shale oil.  While shale oil has helped to bridge the gap from the loss of conventional oil supplies, it is doing so on the heels of very high annual decline rates — averaging 40% per year.  This is not sustainable.
Then of course we have the next SHOE TO DROP, and that is the decline of net oil imports.  If we take a look at the next chart we can see this taking place in the Middle East:

11 則留言:

  1. LISA姐, 你有你睇法, 但你太偏聽啦, 睇黎睇去都係個D sources, 仲要係D神棍BLOG, 根本無專業知識.

    美國赤字今年已經開始加速收窄, 原因係稅收大過預期. 各經濟指標都轉好. 你可以話指標做馬, 赤字又係做馬, 但你可以去美國一趙自己睇下, 無你講/諗得咁差.

    你買金係買到要傳落去千秋萬代, 無人睇到你咁長遠的. 睇睇依兩年買金已跑輸好多, 如果各位唔係買金係為左千秋萬代的, 就要諗下點解你咁信依個BLOG.

  2. 回Hong Kong Man 999,

    稅收大過預期是因為美國加咗稅呢 !

    我唔會只信一個 BLOG, 會睇多幾個報告的 !
    投資不是計長短, 而是要揀最終贏出的工具 !
    我持的投資物業都持有20年啦 !
    唔計舊金飾, 實金都由2006年開始儲 !
    香港人太著重搵快錢啦 !

  3. 依兩年買金已跑輸...



  4. 由250美元買上來, 168朋友依家好富有 :)

  5. HK$3800 / 一両(約1994年時期) 有貨的朋友,請舉手。

  6. 有人睇死樓市大跌, 不過經歷過97年樓災, 唔當是一回事, 反而如果走去賣物業收返的錢就好頭痛 !
    放銀行無息又驚銀行摺, 放外幣又驚外幣跌, 買曬實金實銀又無百分百安全地方放, 所以繼續持有是最好的決定, 又有現金收入 !

  7. 回Patrick Li,

    我有一両 XDDD !

    168朋友好多都有成個保管箱 !

  8. 唔使去到1994年,我有2005年,$4750/兩,買了約七兩,有收據,你要求,可以貼出收據。

  9. Jo, 有人信你,不用浪費時間post 單。不過如果有人貼通知我,如有需要我都有單有據提供。不過我沒有一次過一張單六両。

  10. 我買個両金有一段故仔, 因為本來無心買金的 !
    1980年金價去過頂位跌落來, 才受到世人注意, 所以試過買金條, 但後來買樓沽曬賺到少少, 而好彩沽曬, 因為之後金價繼續跌 ! 所以我叫老公唔好再買金飾俾我, 因為只放保管箱又在縮價 !
    個年我弟弟由荷蘭過來, 叫我幫我妹買條金手鏈俾佢個仔當生日禮物, 而我個外甥又肥又大隻, 所以我揀咗條一両金手鏈, 諗住一定可以啦, 點知我弟弟說太細, 叫我去推貨, 因為佢第二日飛啦, 但我就把金手鏈放入銀行保管箱 XD !
    2007年金價升去1000美元之後又落返700美元, 到2008年金價第二次升上900幾美元個位, 因為我認為是雙頂, 所以把個一両男裝金手鏈和一些一時衝動買完又唔覺靚的金飾一齊沽出去, 成功賺到一萬三千幾蚊, 而等金價落反600幾美元才買返一些靚金飾, 所以個一両三千幾蚊買入的金已不再啦 ! XD !
