2013年5月20日 星期一

Gold & Silver Smash & What Soros & Major Players Are Doing

金銀市場牛熊大戰, 手上有實金實銀的當是持有收藏品, 可以坐上十幾廿年都唔會俾人震出來 ! 所以一早說過, 一唔借錢, 二唔訓身, 三只用閒錢, 對生活絕無影響 !


Today one of the savviest and well connected hedge fund managers in the world spoke with King World News about the high volume takedown in the gold and silver markets and what major players such as Soros and other are doing right now.  Outspoken Hong Kong hedge fund manager William Kaye also discussed who is on the buy side of all of this selling.  Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions, had this to say in this tremendous interview.

Kaye:  “This is unusually high volume of trading in gold and silver in Asia.  We have already traded about 45,000 contracts and it’s still very early in the trading day.  But as I said, that’s unusually high volume. 

The suppression of the metals, which became pretty intense during US trading on Friday, has continued in the very thin Asian trading.  So this is a pretty interesting setup.  It’s clear that wherever they want to push the price of gold and silver they are not done yet....

“I’m not sure what their target is, but we are starting to see a bit of a fight break out now between the bulls and teh bears.  The battle is getting joined by major players.  There was evidence of a very large sovereign buyer at the fix in London on Friday.  So there was major interest for physical gold at levels roughly $40 higher than where we are at the moment.

At the same time we have publicly bearish elite such as George Soros, who is still telling everybody to sell their gold, who has personally turned extremely bullish.  He is adding to his positions, including the most leveraged way you could play a recovery in the gold price.  He is buying call options on the listed index for the junior gold miners.

Now, there is no more leveraged way that you could play a recovery in gold price than taking that position.  So what he is saying is he is willing to risk $25 million by leveraging long in the gold market because this is a position that could easily go to zero.

So he’s risking his money in a relatively short period of time.  The disclosure in the filing does not give you the duration of the call option, but it should logically be listed as a warrant if it was more than a year.  And having structured these kinds of products back in my days on Wall Street, and sold them to clients, typically options of this type have anywhere from a 30 day to a six month duration. 

So what Soros is really saying is, ‘Personally I’m bullish, but I would like to buy gold even cheaper than it is today, so please sell it to me.  Meanwhile I’m positioning myself in the very near-term to see a major rally in the price of gold.’  That’s what he is really betting on.”

Kaye also added:  “What’s interesting is that they don’t expend very much ammunition doing these types of raids during thin Asian trading in the gold and silver markets.  Yes, the price action is down and the volume is relatively high, but key players haven’t backed off from the buy side here.

Even in thin Asian trading there are market participants who are willing to buy these contracts, even though they are well aware that the people manipulating these markets can still take the price lower.  Even in those conditions, the bottom line is there are players that are still on the buy side here in both gold and silver.”

17 則留言:

  1. 即使是闲钱,掉了50%也会浑身不自在的咯

  2. 我自住樓買入 90萬, 1997年升去380萬, 之後跌到2003年160萬, 而依家升返去320萬 !
    都係自住, 所以數字遊戲 !

  3. 又如你買隻名錶, 又會否日日去計還值幾多 ?

  4. 剛才出去商場, 金飾還是有人買, 雖然唔曬好似前星期要去搶, 但鑽飾店就拍蒼蠅 !

  5. 今天在上海商業銀行買了1粒金。盛惠hkd12870^_^

  6. 回freelyhk,

  7. 原來上商都有金粒賣, 但買金粒, 銀行好D? 定係金鋪好D?

  8. 回佳,

  9. lisa姐,好耐之前你咪上過一個投資blog,後尾ban左你,而家果度點?

  10. 回Joe,

    網主唔見咗 ! XDD !

  11. 下!?咁都得!


  12. 回Joe,

    佢只係太有自信, 以為在股市贏到一次, 就睇透成個股市, 乜buy and hold, 愈hold 愈少錢 !

    我地依家玩實金實銀都是buy and hold, 不過分析過, 來緊歐洲好唔掂, 日美印銀紙可以貶值, 所以都係有一部份是實金實銀會安全D !
    好多人以前唔信投資物業, 乜雜費多過收入又要俾稅 ! 其實香港的稅比起外國是好低啦 !
    玩乜都要知前因後果, 知自己做緊乜, 還要岩 timing !

  13. Wakakaka 知你講邊個了 ^_^


  14. 其實呢度同 CKM001 一樣,死牛等運到;不如改個網名,寫番股票算啦。

  15. 回CP,
    放長雙眼睇下囉 XD !
    想睇講股票, 還有大把網誌寫 !

  16. 本人已達大家的目的, 財務自由和退休, 所以還使乜去冒險炒股票呢 ? XD !

  17. 還要說你知, 本人資產升值來之樓市, 而唔係來之股市 !
    買實金實銀是為保財富, 為下一步世界變局做好準備 !
    如果你get 唔到, 請睇多次本網誌[投資金銀手冊], [投資手冊] !
