2013年5月20日 星期一

Thousands of French Households Taxed 100%

法國超高稅, 唔想經濟死都難 !
點解歐洲可以搞到無得救 ?
因為太好的福利, 而錢要有來源, 羊毛出在羊身上 !

就說荷蘭, 如果做生意借錢買車買房, 利息可以由營業額扣除, 但如果你供完房屋, 在資產上就會有資產稅, 還有銀行存款收息, 收到的利息會加入你收入計稅; 所以結果是, 無人會儲錢, 有錢都花咗佢, 而房屋就永遠唔好供完, 供到咁上下就要加按 !
所以人民的車呀, 船呀, 物業呀全是銀行資產, 一唔小心就死銀行 !
成個制度唔鼓勵人民自力儲養老金或供滿銀行可以享受無按揭物業 !


More than 8,000 French households' tax bills topped 100 percent of their income in 2012, according to a French newspaper report.

Citing data from France's finance ministry, the business newspaper Les Echos reported on Friday that in addition to those taxed at over 100 percent last year, almost 12,000 households paid taxes worth more than 75 percent of their 2011 income and that a further 9,910 households were taxed at more than 85 percent of their income.

The paper said this was due to a one-off levy imposed on the 2011 incomes of households with assets of more than 1.3 million euros ($1.67 million) . The surcharge was introduced by socialist President Francois Hollande in an attempt to offset the cost of a rebate scheme and taxation cap introduced by former President Nikolas Sarkozy, the paper added.

2 則留言:

  1. 香港會唔會越來越似佢地呢?
    - 供樓利息可以從個人入息中扣除,可慳稅
    - 供完房屋,存款利息近乎零


  2. 回阿man,

    如果人民唔可以儲錢, 後果是大家老來等食政府 !
    在荷蘭, 我全部年老親戚都食政府, 住政府, 睇醫生都政府出錢 !
