2014年2月17日 星期一

Alert: At Least 20 Bankers Now Dead!


背後秘密是什麼 ?


The sudden rash of bankers expiring in mysterious ways has been well documented at SD Jim Willie revealed to SD readers that we are seeing bankers removed who are on the verge of revealing big data details on FOREX bank fraud.

News of the latest JPM banker to be found dead (Ryan Crane, the Executive Director of JPM’s Global Equities Group) went viral after European banking source V claimed that Crane & the JPM London banker who fell from the top of JPM’s London HQ last weekknew each other & had uncovered something“.

If the bombshell news the investigative journalists at Infowars have just released is accurate, it appears that the number of bankers found dead in the past several weeks has now swelled to over 20, and includes a slew of mid-level bankers as well as the top level execs that have been chronicalized on SD.

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