2015年1月2日 星期五

Is Gold Still Viable?

在香港, 金條、金粒、金幣(除非好特別的收藏金幣)都是資產, 而金飾可以唔算在資產內, 所以Martin Amstrong 一味叫人買金幣避政府沒收是在香港不成立 !



I’m 47….basically one question……….is Gold over for my life time?
Should I just sell it?
What does the ECM say about Gold after big bang?
thanks for all you efforts.
D in Melbourne Australia. 
ANSWER: No. Gold is still a vital component for what we face. My problem is purely with the gold promoters who get all crazy yell about $50,000 gold and pretend they would be right but for people like me and the bankers who manipulate it lower for not real reason.
Gold has performed according to our forecast which is a total global interconnected model. You can no longer forecast anything in isolation. It is entirely connected. Gold will decline further and shake the promoters from every tree. For a real bottom, it has to look like it is dead. The mainstream bastion of buyers are gone. The promoters have wiped them out as they have always done. They are no different than the stock brokers during the Great Depression who kept telling people to average in all the way down – but never sell. That is just not viable advice.
The key for gold is to make sure you use coins. Governments are hunting everything. They are connecting the dots. Gold refiners now must report every ounce in and out. The governments know about the underground system. They are hell bent on destroying it.
Gold will rally on the benchmarks as laid out in the special report on the International Precious Metals Report. Just keep in mind that you should NEVER put all your assets in one investment.

8 則留言:

  1. 點解金條、金粒、金幣係資產呢?

  2. 在美國, 好似買貴過某價的金幣要填 form,
    而在香港, 你去銀行/幣店如Kitco/LPM 買都會有單出有記錄, 想查你好易姐 XD !
    不過香港/中國政府沒收你黃金機會少過歐美政府, 因為佢地窮呀嘛 !

  3. 知唔知中銀有15年熊貓金幣賣嗎?

  4. LISA姐,他日金價升癲,拎返結婚時長輩送的金器出來,用飾金價賣出,都應該可以當係資產掛?!不過就真係蝕手工火耗果啲>.<

  5. 拿去上環忠記放, 唔扣火耗 !
