2015年6月20日 星期六

Solar Energy is Driving China’s Voracious Demand for Silver (800 M oz!)


In this MUST SEE interview, Jeff Brown presents us with some stunning statistics regarding the amount of silver required by China to meet its 5-yr plan to install 100 gigawatts of solar (by 2020).   
It takes 236 metric tonnes of silver per gigawatt of solar energy.  This translates into 8.3 million ounces per gigawatt of solar energy output.  If China installs 100 gigawatts in the next 5 years, this will require 26,300 metric tonnes, which is 731.6 million ounces of silver.
“It looks like China is trying to get its hands on all the silver it can find.”

Submitted by PM Fund Manager Dave Kranzler, Investment Research Dynamics:

Jeff Brown of 44days.net – Reflections in Sinoland is our “eyes and ears on the ground in Beijing.  Because he lives in a suburb of Beijing with his family,  he can provide us with real news, data and political/economic developments in China – as opposed to the filtered propaganda vomited at us from U.S. media puppets.

Very little is known or understood about China’s silver demand and imports.  In our last episode – Unlocking Some Secrets to China’s Silver Demand – Jeff was able to dig up some information on China’s imports which we believe heretofore has not been published in the west.

Based on everything I could find, it looks like China is trying to get its hands on all the silver it can find. – Jeff Brown

This episode Jeff presents us with some stunning statistics regarding the amount of silver required by China to meet its 5-yr plan to install 100 gigawatts of solar (by 2020).   In China, 1 gigawatt will power about 3 million homes (vs. about 700,000 homes in the U.S. – the U.S. is an energy hog). The plan calls for converting 300 million homes to solar by 2020.

It takes 236 metric tonnes of silver per gigawatt of solar energy. This translates into 8.3 million ounces per gigawatt of solar energy output. If China installs 100 gigawatts in the next 5 years, this will require 26,300 metric tonnes, which is 731.6 million ounces of silver. On an annual basis, China’s solar industry alone will require more than the entire amount of silver produced annually by Chinese mines.

In the context of what is believed to be a massive short-squeeze developing in the global supply of silver, it is likely that China’s push to solarize its middle class could have an extraordinary affect on the price of silver.

