2016年9月29日 星期四

Why Won’t Hillary Release Her Medical Records? What is She Hiding?

要有科幻知識現會明 !


The talk behind the curtain is that Hillary has a brain implant to calm her Parkinson’s disease. This way to deal with the disease is becoming more common as the FDA has approved such implants. This video shows the dramatic results of how this technology works. The rumor is that this is why Hillary was not publicly around for a week. Some are saying she was wired with people reading the answers to her.

However, others disagree. She may have had an implant to deal with all the criticism on the web about her having tremors and Parkinson’s disease. Hillary collapsed at the 9/11 memorial from something besides simple dehydration, as she claimed. There are a slew of questions emerging about her health and the strange objects that appear regularly under her pantsuits.

While Hillary says Trump is hiding something by not releasing his tax returns, Hillary may be hiding something by refusing to reveal her medical record. That seems to be the bigger issue.

